Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Seventeen

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Jackson's POV

I'd woken up to an empty room once more. It was a sight I hated to see. All I wanted was to have my back to Slater's chest, his body wrapped around mine, his warmth enclosed around me. The pit in my stomach was getting worse. The desire to have him close at every second was driving me crazy. Waking my wolf is starting to have more of an effect than I thought.

I walked into the living room and could smell a range of different smells. Each wolf had a unique smell and as a new wolf, they were overwhelming to my senses. "The Alpha's waiting for you outside," a voice mutters from behind me, Chase. His curly brown hair puffy on his head and his lips slightly chapped. His features soft, albeit having such a powerful aura.

"Thanks, but why?" I ask, my brows furrowed.

"The Alpha will explain it to you," He shifts uncomfortably and I furrow my brow, but nod anyway and start to make my way outside. Slater stands next to his Bugatti, cigarette in hand as he inhales the smoke. I stride towards him and pluck it from his hand, taking a large drag to ease my stress. He frowns down at me, clearly unhappy that I've stolen his cig, but I shrug my shoulders, finishing it off and throwing it to the grass.

"You shouldn't litter," his voice is deep and sharp as he bites out the words. I shiver at his attitude, the way he sounds always gets me a little excited. As arousal fills the air, he ignores it, pushing off from the car and moving around to the driver's side. I get into the passenger seat, the smell of smoke lingers on us as he pulls away back to the castle.

The journey was long and uneventful. We don't talk, but it's not awkward, it's comfortable, relaxing even. He's not much of a talker, he prefers silence and I don't mind it either, it keeps my curiosity alive, my interest in him never fading. When we arrive at the castle it's illuminated in soft lighting, there are flowers and hanging plants decorating the inside as we walk in. A lady approaches us, she has soft shoulder-length hair, she stands at about 5"5 and her frame is petite. She bows her head respectfully, "Alpha if I may," as she nods her head in my direction, is she asking permission to talk to me? 

"Hey," I catch her attention and she can see I'm irritated. "You don't need to ask his permission to talk to me," I bite out. I won't be one of those people who is seen but not heard, if someone wants to approach me they can do so I don't need someone to control who I speak to. Slater shoots me a glare but I ignore it waiting for the girl to speak up.

"Sorry sir, I'm the lead event coordinator for the ceremony, I would like to go over a few things with you if you wouldn't mind," she explains, a rosy blush spreading across her cheeks.

"Ceremony?" I ask. What ceremony?

"Apologies, I thought you might have been briefed, the Alpha has told us about your wolf, a powerful legend amongst us all. As you hold the mark of the King, you'll be presented with a title," she explains. What did this mean? Slater hasn't publicly accepted me as his mate, he's telling people that he did it to make me submissive? So, why would I be given a title? It can't be a title as his mate right? It has to be a title because of my wolf. It wouldn't make sense otherwise.

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