Warning of Re-Write / Editors Wanted!

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This is just a pre-warning that this book will be Re-Written...again. I know if you guys have been around a while, this book has already been through a major re-write, but just as any good author does, you continuously develop until you get it right!

It's not that I hate this book, I just wish I'd developed the characters a little more and given you guys a bit more insight into the mind of the main character.

I also don't like that there are a few parts where the story seems a bit flat and has unnecessary descriptions in it, and in others, not enough descriptions. I think the lack of side characters really lets this book down a bit and I think with better use of them , the moments that are meant to provoke fear, or give you an overall feel about the situation doesn't reflect he way I want it to.

I'd also really like to develop the relationship between the main characters, as I think at the moment, this book reflects a lot more lust than it does love, and I think a lot of is down to rushing the book to get updates out rather than really putting in the tenacity to make this book perfect.

You guys have been incredibly supportive and I know a lot of you absolutely adore this book, but I really want to move this book from 'a good read' to 'absolutely blew my mind'. Whether I achieve that or not, who knows, but I look forward to testing my creative abilities in the next edition and really taking my time rather than rushing.

I've not decided whether I'll update this book in sections where you guys shouldn't see a break in the timeline, i.e. you won't suddenly find you don't understand anything in the book, but may see a difference in quality / the characters personalities as you move from the re-written sections to the current book OR, whether I just one day completely update the whole book.

I'm definitely leaning more towards the latter, but we shall see.

Either way, please don't let this stop you from reading the book, I hope you enjoy what's currently here, and if you have any suggestions as I'm re-writing, please private message me, I'd really love to hear your thoughts and opinions!

This is also a call for some editors! Those with experience would be great but not a necessity. I'm looking for about 2/3 people to:

- point out grammar / spelling mistakes
- suggest better ways of writing the same sentences if some miss the mark
- point of areas where the story falls flat
- suggest where additional details / context is needed / where too many details are provided or unnecessary descriptions

Requirements (sort of):

- comfortable reading the same chapters / story repeatedly
- must be comfortable conversing over email
- be happy to use the 'tracked changes' feature on Microsoft word
- comfortable reading mature / dark themes
- you'll be getting early access to chapters of the book and so I need trustworthy and dependable people who won't spoil anything as the books being written!
- this may extend over a long period of time, it's unlikely to be a one month / two month sort of thing so I'm hoping to find someone who can commit to the time!

Benefits for you:
- early access to chapters of the book
- you'll be credited for your help at the end of every chapter!
- you'll be credited in the description of the book as an editor / co-author!
- it's flexible and there is no rush, you're not expected to read and edit the second I send a chapter across!
- if you can no longer commit to helping, that's ok too! There's no obligation to stay, and you'll still be credited on the chapters you helped with and in the books description.

I'd love to pay someone for this, but even I don't get paid myself for the works I publish on wattpad, I do this for fun, not for profitability. So hopefully there are some kind and wonderful people out there willing to dedicate their time towards this project 🙌🏻

If you're interested in this, please instant message me or leave a comment and I'll reach out to you! There are already a few chapters ready to be edited, and I look forward to potentially hearing from some of you! (...I hope...otherwise this is a bit awkward 😂)

All the best,

Jewell Webster.

FraternityOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora