Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

Jackson Blake's POV

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Jackson Blake's POV

There wasn't much chatter as Slater continued to drive, but I didn't mind so much, the atmosphere didn't feel awkward, it was instead soothing and relaxing. It wasn't for another two hours until we reached our destination. Slater pulled into a wooded area, seemingly in the middle of nowhere, and up the long drive sat a beautiful home.

Slater pulls up to the front of the house and we jump out of the car. Then, from the house, some very familiar faces step out, the pledges. Why are they here? Blake does a little jog over to me and clasps my hand in a bro hug. "Yo, look at posh boy over here dressed in Gucci," he laughs giving me a cheeky smile. "how are you doing man?" He asks as he holds me to him. I can feel Slater's gaze on us. I can almost feel his unhappiness at Blakes's touch against mine.

"Yeah bro I'm all good, what are you all doing here?" I query as we break apart from the hug and start to walk towards the house.

"Initiation? You weren't told?" he queries and I just shrug my shoulders. It's strange to think the last time I saw him was inside Dragon. I feel like I owe him an explanation for Slater dragging me out of the club, but Blake's demeanour says he knows all he needs to know and that was good enough by him.

We walk into the house and the inside is as gorgeous as the outside. It's not like the castle, but it's modern and sleek, right up my street. We all take a stand in the living room, Slater, Samuel, and Chase, along with a few other Alpha Members who I don't recognise walk in, their aura commands our attention as they fix their eyes on us. My eyes meet Slater's and I can't help but think there's a softer man beneath that hard exterior, he's just not willing to show me.

"You're all here for initiation," Samuel starts. "In 3 hours the full moon will start, you're welcome to roam the grounds, find your situated rooms, but must congregate outside at precisely 6:43 PM, you are dismissed." Chatter amongst the pledges lift once more and I turn to Blake.

"So do you know..." I trail off, not wanting to say it out loud and sound like a whack job but I do want to know just how much information the pledges have been given.

"Yeah, we all know, crazy shit right?" He says as we walk outside and he pulls out a cigarette, handing one over to me. Thank fuck, I haven't had one of these in a hot minute.

"Very fucking crazy, I thought they were taking the piss until Slater showed me," I say as Blake lights my cigarette and I take a much-needed breath, the smoke filling my lungs and relaxing my muscles.

"So you and Alpha Slater..." he says and my eyes shoot to his. How the fuck does he know? "Don't look at me like that, it's all everyone's been talking about," he chuckles as he takes another drag of his cigarette. I can't tell if he's talking about the intimate relationship I've got going on with Slater or just the fact he's my mentor. So I decide to stay quiet, inhaling another breath of smoke and gazing at the tree line. "Bro we all got the brief about mates and the mark," his eyes flutter to my neck and I feel hot at my cheeks at the fact he knows. "They're saying he like owns you or something. Like you're his possession? Everyone was saying that your his mate for a while and then there were all these stories about him being able to mark more than one person, that he's marked you to make you submit to him. Is that your punishment, you know, for the shit that happened outside the cabin when you punched him?" The look I gave him told him everything he needed to know. I wasn't a possession, he's my mate. "Look bro I'm not judging you, if your gay that's cool like I'm bi, so I'm the last one to judge you here." He mutters and I can't help but feel a bit of relief. That someone knew my secret.

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