Chapter Six

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Chapter Six

Jackson Blake's POV

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Jackson Blake's POV

Two people got kicked out this morning. They hadn't reveal their thoughts last night, I assume they wanted time to consider each Alpha Members perspective. Either way, we'd congregated this morning and Alpha Chase had informed us of who would be leaving. I was relieved that Michael was eliminated. It made me feel better, that at least he had the opportunity to still compete. I'd hate to think I'd jeopardised it for him. I was also happy to hear I'd made 1st rank again, even if it was at the expense of somebody else. Thus, the master bedroom remained mine. There had been a few changed, people having to swap and change with each other and our rank was clearly displayed on the board in the lounge. It made things a bit more real. Solidified our place.

After the announcement, we'd all made our way back to our rooms, or new rooms in some cases. My body filled with relief knowing I still had my chance. There's a distinct level of nervousness as you wait to hear from the Alpha's, a wave of doubt every few minutes as you question whether you did enough. It's all you think about, it disrupts your sleep, I mean last night I'd jolted awake, the nightmare that I'd been eliminated made me sick to the stomach. It feels like your on a timer, waiting for your time to end.

I lay in the kingsize bed, my body relaxed and at ease, a book in hand and a soft shimmer of light gracing through the window. It's blissful. Suddenly, a bang sounds through the house, as if a bomb had gone off. There's a thudding of footsteps rushing downstairs and my breath catches in my throat. I gently rest the book down, jogging the length of the room to open my bedroom door. The lad across the hall from me had also come to his door, he glances at me, confusion across his face as he mouths 'what the fuck' to me.

Somethings not right, I can feel it in my gut. I beckon him over as we start to move towards the back of the house. I pull the door to Blakes's room open and as he goes to speak, I rush to put my hand over his mouth. Surprise and confusion is written across his face but I hush him to remain quiet. I listen out for any movement but I couldn't hear any. I signal for Blake and the other guy to remain where they are as I gently tiptoe towards the door. Creaking it open, I peer my head round to feel a crack on the side of my face.

Swinging my elbow, I make contact with my attacker's face, a grunt leaving their mouth. As I step back, they step forward. A balaclava covers their features, but their eyes can be seen through the small slit. They're menacing and sinister, ready to take me on.

I go to take a punch but he blocks me. I pinged forward, gripping his waist and I tackling him in the middle of the hall. I hear fighting from behind us as Blake and the other guy fend off more men in balaclavas. What the fuck is going on?

I don't have time to process or think, instead I let my fist meet the face of the man below me. As I go the throw another, I feel a prick to my neck as a needle catches my skin and the world around me starts to blur. I'm surrounded by three...four...maybe five men, their faces spin and sway as my hearing starts to ring before I'm met by darkness.

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