Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Jackson Blake's POV

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Jackson Blake's POV

As my eyes flutter open, realisation dawns on me, I'm no longer in that dingy house anymore. It's like each morning comes as a shock to me I no longer live a life of pain. That there's a real possibility that I could fulfill my dream of being part of Alpha Fraternity. It doesn't feel real. It's hard to fathom. I'm not naive to the challenges ahead, the process is brutal, but if I pull this off, my life will be unrecognisable.

I shower and dress, making myself presentable to mingle with the other pledges. I feel nervous about my first impressions. Not many of us talked during the trials, we were too focused on the chances of elimination. It's like high school all over again, but at least no one knows me here. It could be a real chance at making friends and having a new start. As I walk into the kitchen, I feel a few eyes on me but I keep to myself, I don't want to draw too much attention. I grab a glass of orange and a bowl of cereal, nothing too fancy. I've never been around so many people in one setting. Not to mention we're all fighting for a small number of spots, we're each other's competitors. It's uncomfortable to think that the only people I have a chance at making friends with might hate me if I'm a threat.

I already feel as though people around here want to avoid me. After last night's challenge, I feel the angst in the air, the wariness of people around me. Maybe the loner habits haven't worn off too much. I like the peace though, perhaps it's not all bad.

Spotting Blake across the room with a few others around him, I set my orange juice and cereal on the table and take the free seat beside him. "Morning, how are you?" I mutter, trying to conjure some form of conversation.

"Well hello to you too Mr. I can kick everybody's ass. What was all that about? Coming out like Tyson Fury." He chuckles as he glances up from his plate.

"I did MMA for a while. A lot of my fighting ability just comes naturally nowadays. Besides, I was pretty hellbent on getting the master bedroom. The idea of sharing with someone knocks me sick I can't lie. How did you get on anyway? With the fights I mean." I mutter.

"They were alright I suppose, I have a black eye, but I can deal with it. Nothing I can't handle. I got a decent room as well so I can't complain too much." I notice the darkening mark under his eye and I can only be thankful I left without a scratch.

I felt better having approached Blake. The atmosphere felt calmer across the room. We make idle chatter as I finish my breakfast, enjoying the English Premier League as we do. I enjoy sports, particularly soccer, I'd say I'm quite a passionate fan of the sport. A question lingers in my mind, I wonder how old Alpha Slater is? Feeling like Blake would know I pose the question to him.

"He's 24 I think, why do you ask?" Blake answers.

"Just curiosity really, he looks bare old, not student-like at all." I brush off, I can't be outing myself that quickly. I don't want to raise any suspicions.

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