Chapter Sixteen

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Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Sixteen

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Jackson's POV

When I walked back into the room Slater and I share, he lay on the bed, arms stretched behind him, his chest naked as his muscles bulge. "Fuck that's that smell," I moan, my eyes almost rolling into the back of my head. The smell, it's musky, slightly woody, perhaps a little spicy as well. Whatever it was, it smelt divine, it lit my body up with arousal the second it hit my nose.

Slater's eyes meet mine and I realise it's him. He's the one that smells good. He stalks towards me, and I groan as he gets closer to me, it's like my body's more sensitive to him, it craves his touch. He pins me to the wall, his body only inches from mine, and I can't control my own body as I press my lower half into his. He growls, gripping my hips and forcing them back into the wall behind me. "Stop it," he warns, eyes annoyed with me but I ignore it I just need his touch against me. "Your more sensitive to it now, you need to control yourself," he bites out and I groan, bending my neck and showing my mark out of desperation. I need him to do something, anything to my tingling body.

He lets out a low growl, another warning that I'm not helping the situation, and he grips my chin, pulling my face back to his. Our noses brush, his hot breath caresses my cheek and I peer up to him, begging him. I don't know what I'm begging for, I just know I'm begging for him to do something. He moves an inch closer, his lips millimetres away from my own. "Please," I whisper, and it was the only encouragement he needed. His lips touch mine and my hands move on their own accord, moving and gripping his neck, pulling him closer to me. He clasps my bottom lip between his own and I moan into it, our wet lips dance together, and he pulls away all too soon. I'm left with a dull ache between my legs, but the desperation has subsided, my body satisfied with the small amount of touch. That was the first time we'd kissed. It was better than I could have imagined.

Slater pulls away from me, wiping his lips but he doesn't say anything. His eyes flicker been anger, confusion, and lust before turning his back and lying back into the bed. I stalk over to him, removing my pants so I'm in just my briefs, and lying in the spot next to him. I pull the sheets over my body, whilst Slater ignores my presence, I press my head into the pillow, my back to Slater and I can feel the cogs moving in his head. He's confused. Confused by the way he feels. But I don't think any more of it as I let the darkness overcome me.

If I'm ever to dream, it's usually a nightmare, nothing pleasant. But the woman in front of me, her white aura glows around her, her long brown hair cascades across her shoulders, and her white gown sways as it flows down her body.

"My warrior," she calls, as she steps down towards me, her body only inches from my knelt form. "I've wanted to speak to you for so long," she says as she caresses my hair and her touch is so soothing and ignites pure happiness within me.

"Who are you?" My voice shakes a little, her power is beyond anything I've felt before and I know she's of great importance.

"I'm the Luna goddess dear," she smiles down at me. "Stand, I want you to walk with me," she commands, her voice soft like silk as I stand up, the armour I'm wearing clinking as I follow her through the gardens. We walk side by side, as the pink and white trees around us shed their flowers and they rain on top of us.

"My son, there's fear bubbling around you. Your wolf is unseen to any of your peers, he's stronger, faster, more agile and he heals much quicker!" she starts, her tone warning of the chaos caused on earth. "You see, when people started to leave their wolves behind, your ancestor found love in a powerful warlock. With their desire for a child, he cast a spell that allowed his fruits to blossom a child within her. There was a mutation, when the child was born, his wolf was unlike his mothers, he was a white wolf. His mother raised him never to shift. He never knew of his wolf. His lineage continued down to you and you're the first of family to shift. The first to reveal the white wolf, part wolf, part warlock," her words brought ice to my veins, I was lost for words. I was beyond just a wolf, I'm a warlock too?

She stops and turns to me, her hand resting on my cheek as she looks down at me, her form at least seven feet tall, she towers above me in her elegance. "Your power has never been bestowed on earth. You must be careful, learn to control it." She warns. "As for your mate, he will warm to you. You must tell him that his conflict within is his downfall, his fear will overcome him if he doesn't tread carefully. But do not lose faith, it may not be now, but his love will shine through," she says, her voice fading out and I jolt upright in my bed, gasping for air.

Slater turns towards me, his brows furrowed and his eyes tired and confused. "Bad dream?" His voice is heavy with sleep, deep and croaky as he asks his question.

"No," I mutter my voice equally heavy and deep. "I met the Luna Goddess," I mumble, my body falling back against the pillow but Slater jumps up from the bed, his hand hitting the light switch on and I hiss, putting my hand over my eyes to shield myself from the blinding light.

"That bitch," he hisses, rage lacing his tone. "I've been asking to see her for weeks now," he growls, his voice elevated and frustrated. "What did she say," he spits out as his pointed glare meets my eyes as I pull my arm away from my face.

"She was explaining why my wolf is white," I groan out, unhappy that he wants to discuss this in the middle of the night, but his glare tells me all I need to know, don't argue with him. "She told me that my ancestor fell in love with a powerful warlock and he ensured they created a child. There was a mutation and that's why I'm a white wolf. Part wolf, part warlock." I mutter and he softens slightly, surprise flashes across his face but he doesn't let it sit there for long as his anger returns.

He goes to storm out of the room but my voice stops him, "she sent me a message for you," his body freezes, his back still turned away from me as he waits for my next words. "She said, your conflict within will be your downfall, your fear will overcome you if you don't thread carefully..." with that, the door slams shut and I'm left in silence.

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