Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

Jackson Blake's POV

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Jackson Blake's POV

My head can't wrap around it. I've been lay in a spare room staring at the ceiling for hours, my brain unable to compute what I've been told. I need to see it to believe it. But if I saw it would I believe my own eyes? Would I think I'm hallucinating? How do you fathom something unfathomable?

I stalk the lonely corridors, the night looms over the castle, rooms locked for the evening as people sleep behind them. Can you even call them people? I find myself drifting to the library, the crack beneath the door glowing, an indication someone's still awake. As I creek open the door, the same old man stands in the middle of the room, a book pressed against the now fixed glass table as he skims the pages.

"I was waiting for you to come back," he announces, his eyes never once lifting from the book, his voice echoing as he disturbs the crisp silence.

"I have some questions," I state warily. He nods for me to come forward, closes the book as his eyes stray towards me.

"I figured as much. After everything you've been told I'd be surprised if you didn't at least have one question." You can hear the amusement in his tone, his classes are perched on the tip of his nose and a slight smirk raises the corners of his lips.

I step forward, preparing to ask my first question. "If humans all have dormant wolves, how do we get them back?"

"If someone has a dormant wolf, they need to be woken again. You know that voice in your head? The one that answers you back, generates your thoughts, the one you might refer to as your sub-conscience? Well, that voice is your wolf, and if strong enough, there is a chance we can get them back. But only an Alpha can give you that option back, they're the only wolves whose bite is strong enough to call back to your wolf and bring them out from hiding. Only their bite has the right chemicals to shock your wolf back into your mind. Only they can sense whether your wolf still lurks beneath the surface. That is why you were chosen to be part of the Fraternity," he declares.

"Wait so what your saying is the Fraternity is just a front to get humans to become wolves again?" I suggest.

"Absolutely, it's the whole purpose of the Fraternity. A few hundred years after people had started suppressing their wolves, our numbers were declining, so to avoid extinction, we had to recruit. It's true that many wolves find their mates as human and bring them to the castle to be transformed. However, the number of humans vastly outweigh the number of wolves. We have to sustain our numbers. This is why once you're in, you can never leave," his ominous word linger and I shiver slightly.

"So the bite on my neck, why hasn't that changed me?" I ponder.

"The mark on your neck is not a mark of transition, it's the mark of a mate, they're very different. The mark of a mate can be done at any time, but the mark that will transition you must be done on a full moon. It typically isn't done on the neck, although there are no rules against it," he affirms. "However, your transition should not be your biggest worry, the new moon is coming," his tone forbidding.

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