Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

Jackson Blake's POV

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Jackson Blake's POV

I get home from attending class, I desperately want to slip into my comfy bed and drift to sleep. After getting home late last night from the the challenge the Fraternity had set, I'd collapsed in my bed but couldn't drift off. The idea someone could barge in at any moment weighed heavy on me. Then I had 9 AM lectures, so as you can imagine, I'm knackered. At least I have the weekend to look forward to, I can hibernate in my room, watch some Netflix, grab a takeaway, and if I'm lucky I'll even squeeze in a bit of porn...don't judge me, I do have needs.

I got in from my lecture, finally have a moments peace to just sleep. As my bodies drifting off, the stench of smoke drifts up to my nose. My brow furrows at the bizarre smell, am I imagining it? It starts to get stronger and strong...I'm not imagining it! My body jolts up, my eyes opening and there a mist in the air. It's not heavy, slightly annoying and I don't think much off it, because no doubt, someone's burnt the fucking bacon again.

The alarm starts to wail, and I roll my eyes, making my way out my room and down the stairs when a voice screams from the kitchen."It isn't burnt bacon!"

The smoke starts to engulfs the room as people cough and splutter. My eyes water, my lungs filling with the dreaded grey clouds. "EVERYBODY GET DOWN," I scream, before covering my nose with my shirt and dropping to the floor where the air is less thick. Smoke always rises.

"Is anyone upstairs" I call out, seeing only a few of the other pledges fighting the smoke and trying to get outside.

"Yeah, not everyone is down here." Someone shouts back. Shit! This isn't good. The smokes rising, there's a blaring heat and the flames flicker against the wood of the lodge. Soon enough, the wooden structure is going to be engulfed.

Crawling up the stairs as fast as I can, I burst into the closest room, yelling at people to get out. Fucking idiot that burnt that bacon last week, now no one believes there's a damn fire!

The smoke is getting thicker by the second but I refuse to leave, I can't let people die in here. I continue to burst through doors and yell for people to get out. With only two more doors to go, I start to feel light-headed. My lungs start to close, filling with smoke and making my vision blur. I can't stop though. I shake it off, and slam open the door to the next room. "EVERYBODY GET THE FUCK OUT, THERE'S AN ACTUAL FIRE!" I belt, coughing and spluttering and gasping for air. People around me rush down the stairs, quickly trying to get out. I check the last room, and Kian is lay on the floor, unconscious from the smoke. I rush towards him, my lungs burning and body screaming as I throw him over my shoulder and pull him out.

He's heavy and my body struggles from the lack of clean air. I stumble as I get down the stairs, bending as low as I can with Kian in tow to avoid inhaling too much of the smoke. I'm suffocating. A few of the pledges are stood at the bottom, making sure I get out. "FUCKING GO!" I hiss, if they stay any longer the buildings going to collapse and kill us.

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