5-when he hits you pt 2

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Jake had been away for two weeks staright- Even in their wedding anniversary, witch was today- and that made y/n angry at herself and him;

Y/n feels like she might have been overreacting.

Sure, she was completely heartbroken when he wasn’t there for her big night, but as she lays alone upon the mattress they once shared, going through all the video memories of him she’s stored away on her phone -

she wonders if she’d gone too far.

But he was the one who laid his hands on her, even if it was an accident;

she received along before a text from Jungwon telling her that Jake was gone for a therapy these days, he thought of himself as a monster, a one that should control his emotions and acts.

Even when the work of Jake’s life drifted them apart, they always found a light together.

They always brought the good out of a bad situation. They always proved their love was stronger than what could ever come between them. 

She knows Jake’s hurting. She knows Jake’s on the edge of bursting - he can barely stand in the same room as her without tears welling in his eyes and his palms twitching from helplessly holding back from running to her.

It only makes her hurt more - it only makes things worse for the both of them, but she really doesn’t understand why the hell he keeps pushing himself away from her.

He’s sorry, and every bit of her knows that. Every bit of her knows that it really was just a stupid mistake.

And her heart still aches, but she knows it’s because she’s really just not okay with what happened. 

It was 2 in the morning, when she’s halfway through the video album when an oddly calm next to a sleeping Ara, unexpected Jake swings their bedroom door open.

She nearly drops her phone on her face and lets out a squeal as Jake stood across the room looking at her mouthopening.

When he realized that she was still awake, at that time he hanged his head low and stared at the ground.

“Jake!” Y/n screams, frantically getting up from their bed. ‘What are you -“ she stutters, half in bewilderment and half in nervousness he’s going to ask her why she’s sneaking in their bed when she’s meant to not act like she gives a shit about him anymore, "wha- what are you doing here?"

It was the first time seeing him after weeks-

It was a mutter, but it was there, spoken between clenched teeth and a tight jaw. And Y/n could have sworn she misunderstood what he just said. 

“Wha-What?” Y/n whispers, eyes wide and heart pounding, palms sweating and voice cracking with anticipation. 

"I'm sorry, I thought you were sleeping-"

And just as she was about to express how nothing about this makes any sense, her blood runs cold and the pit of her chest starts burning.

It almost feels like her body can’t decide.

It hits her all at once.

He’s leaving her. He will be packing up all of his belongings, not giving her the time of day in the same way she did him, and leaving her by herself because clearly.

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