crying after holding his daughter- p.js

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When he cried after holding his daughter for the first time. @inkkoya

Screams of pain were all he heard from hospital room. 

Jay was sure that watching you give birth was not going to be that bad. He was sure that it was going to be a quick birth since you were so small during the pregnancy. 

But decided otherwise, you passed five hours of labor, as he held your hand, letting you squeeze it as you tried to push again. 

As you started to push, the doctor announced that the baby was coming out now. Jay looked up at him in shock, starting to feel like things were suddenly becoming real.

Jay stood there like stone- he didn't know what to do as he watched the nurses grabbing his daughter and taking her away, for once he was afraid that they would take her away. 

"We will clean her and give it to you in minutes." One of the nurses said, making his heart feel safe again.

"Congratulations with you wonderful daughter.” The nurse cheered, walking over to get her out of the bed so she could hand her to you. 

You noticed the big lump in your throat as you pushed yourself upwards. Your body was aching and stiff, but somehow it didn’t seem to matter.

A daughter. 

They had a daughter. She appears to be so fragile and small in his wife’s arms. A small patch of dark hair resting on top of her adorable little heart. 

He was watching her daughter and analyzing every feature of him while she was in your arms.

Your pregnancy went by so fast for him that this was like getting hit with a ton of bricks. He just stayed true, overthinking every possible thing, before he head the nurse voice speak up

Jay wasn't able to keep your eyes off of the little girl in front of you for much longer. 

Jay walked towards the bed after the nurse put him on daughter in your arms, but immediately silenced himself as he got closer. 

Jay wanted to hold her so bad but couldn't 

He was worried he would accidentally release the baby, but he would make sure to hold on to her tightly.

His eyes were burning brightly, focusing on the little bundle inside of your arms. 

“I’m so glad you’re okay. I was so worried. But they told me everything’s okay with you, and the baby. You need to stay here for a little while but we’ll be able to go home soon.” 

He muttered softly, sitting down on the edge of the bed.

"Will you take her?" You asked before you looked at the nurse assisting you. 

Jay looked at his swaddled newborn child, then to the nurse who was holding him out for him to take before smiling and holding out his arms in the position he’d learned in the parenting course he’d taken. 

He was afraid that she might start crying and not know what to do, but did hold him for a while more. 

"You can take off your shirt if you want?" The nurse introduced to him, he didn't know what to do- he was nervous.

So nervous that he couldn't even mutter any single word and just approved before he started to take his shirt off. 

The nurse told him to sit on the chair near the bed and he did while you watched your husband struggle with his fingers- he was literally shaking from head to toes. 

The nurse put your daughter in his hand, his arms stopped from shaking suddenly he felt he was holding the most valuable thing in the world and she was in his world.

Once the nurse left the room, sniffers were heard in the room making you ask-"Are you crying?” You asked in surprise.

So the cold husband was crying.

His hands instantly wiped underneath his eyes as he looked across at you. “Don’t hide,” you chuckled as he quickly wiped his tears away.

Jay quickly tried his hardest to dry his eyes before shuffling even closer to you. “I don’t want you to see me crying, we should be happy right now about all of this.”

“They’re happy tears,” you suggested, offering him a soft smile, “I always wondered if you will cry when you hold your baby and guess that just happened even if you have that cold heart of yours."

“I’m struggling to believe that this is real, and you do know own that I don't have a cold heart."

"I know you don't." You said eying him looking at your daughter as she was a China doll trying not to break her.

And there he was staring so wide eyed at the newborn, his newborn, that his eyes began to water. 

Supporting her neck well enough too many times to count. His eyes watered up even more when the baby.

Trying to get more comfortable with holding his daughter all while trying to stop himself from shaking with anxiety. 

A single tear started to pool in the corner of his eyes as he stared in complete awe- followed with another one and another one. 

He cursed his tears as he feels them laying down his cheeks but he promised that he will sacrifice his self and soul for her and you. 

His two wonderful treasures.

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