making out with the enemy

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A forbidden Kiss


Sunghoon-the usual tease boy who could be in any high-school.

You didn't know how it turned out to find yourself in a shameless position with him.

He starts teasing you, getting closer little by little. Well, he’s not really sure, he just likes getting a reaction out of you. Terribly annoying.

Your usual arguments and fights lose their usual fire and are replaced by a playful vibe- how? You didn't know.

You don't even know how your hands brush along the nape of his neck and pinch at strands of ash blond hair, you feel his larger, calloused hands run along your thighs. Your lips come back for each other, hot and needy.

Your hands remain laced through unruly emerald strands,  "Remember when you told me that you would never kiss me even if I was the last man on earth?" Sunghoon mumbled against your skin- making you shove him away- he just loves to tease you.



"You are suck a tease."

He cradles your head from behind to bring your lips impossibly closer. "You always have been one." Here you were, between Jay's arms- tye same one who haunted your dreams and made your anger boil in your veins.

Jay bites down harshly on your bottom lip, eliciting a squeal that grants him an opening to pry his tongue into your mouth to melt with yours. "And you were always such parasite."

You follow in the frantic rhythm he sets, barely keeping pace as your grip on the slim fabric of his hoodie in your curled fingers.

He finds your squirming all the more amusing before he get away from your lips. "Are we done with shase now?"

"Never." You said before you leaned to kiss him again, making him smile against your lips.


You were both workers.

Thow colleagues who hate each other.

You were two people who can’t be trusted alone with each other always come on the same day

You worked at different branches and only ever talked on the phone with each other, but now one of you gets transferred until one day the company decides you two will go to work to sign a partnership with another company out of Korea.

The company was nice enough to book two beds at the hotel they stay in for a conference - but why are the beds in the same room- karma.

You  both get frustrated with how the other one organizes the shared space and tell each other that through notes.

"Can you just nagging like an old woman?" Jake voiced out- face red and clearly tired from you.

"An old woman? Are you calling me old?" You yelled back.

"I didn't call you an old-"

"But you mean it, you always use those words agains-" you didn't know what was happening until you were shut up with a cold skin touching your lips.

Jake was skipping your senses, breath was stuck in your throat as you breath mingled with yours.

He tasted wonderful for your dislike. You forgot about the time and who he was while you kissed him back- letting out your anger in the kiss before leaned away from you breathless too.

"Next time, you start nagging like an old woman. I will shut you up like this."


People were dancing- some were grinding on each other, some were drowning in alcohol. They almost look like a wall of people.

You smiled at the thought before you found yourself being pressed against the wall by him- your unusual friend, the one you hate but at the same time can't stop yourself from feeling an unwanted attraction towards front of you was not an unusual sight to see.

“What are you doing?”

"I'm full of this shit,” he spoke, his voice soft and melodious against your ears.“ Can we not change our situation a little bit?"

Heeseung voiced out letting your gaze fall on his lips as they moved- damn.

"you’re drunk. You’re not in the right state of mi-” mind, you wanted to say but hot lips claimed yours, while cold fingers crawled to your head, brushing your hair softly and you just kissed him back.

You imagined this scene a long time ago, but you denying your attraction towards him made you deny him and made him your enemy.


“I haven’t drunk a single drop of alcohol tonight, y/n, and I'm totally sober” heeseung finally said when he pulled away from you.


"I'm your idiot." He confirmed smiling down at you, before he kissed you again making smile on his lips.

you just ended up walking out of this party with your hearts intertwined against each other.

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