stealing their clothes

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Their Reaction for stealing their clothes- by inkkoya


He would laugh at you whenever you wear his hoodie and shirts- “Aren’t those pants too big on you?”

he made you look down at pants that was fitted loosely around your hips, you simply shrug before looking a t him trying to hide your smile too while he didnt”t

“You should really stop stealing my clothes. they don’t fit you bae”

He doesn't even try to hide his laughs and beautiful

“But they’re comfy.” even if you look like a bugger.


two dots will paint his cheeks until he could sell his neck warm front hi shyness,

he silently gives you another one of his hoodies and then leaves without saying a word. Confused, you look at sunghoon for an explanation,

“He’s too shy to tell you that he likes seeing you in his clothes.”


“You really look good in my clothes” Jake muttered as he pulled you in  for a kiss as soon as he caught you wearing his hoodie to get out with him.

Pulling away from him, you ask, “And why is that?” Pulling you even closer to his body, he answers with a smirk on his face,

“So everyone will know that you’re mine.”

“then wear something of mine too jake” you asked as soon as you heard her response making him frown.

“What do you mean?”

“wear my clothes,” you ordered again.


“so everyone will know you are mine” you said as your imagination started to get wild with the theme of Jake wearing your dresses.


He wasn't usually someone who likes sharing his things. but when it comes to you. you were an exception. He didn’t mind when you would occasionally slip his clothes on.

he would probably buy hoodies just to give them to you.

He enjoys the sight of you in his clothes. especially when it looks oversized on you.


He loved seeing you in his clothes.

he would just giggle over the fact that he’s not so subtle in hiding the way he looks at you.

He watched without you pure adoration in his eyes.

would absolutely love it to see his sweaters on you. He would think that you look adorable in them, with the long sleeves and the big size of them making you look small and vulnerable.

“take a picture, it’ll last longer.” you joked while he was already taking his phone out.

“Smile for me, baby.”


He loves his clothes.

Sure he hated the part where he’d look for a hoodie for weeks and then find out that you’d stolen it. And it’s not like he would ever admit it, but he loves when you take his stuff.

It means you like the clothes he wears, and since your opinion of him matters that makes him happy.
“baby please.” he whined. “as much as you look pretty in them, they’re mine”


he would bye always two pieces- one for him and or you,

He knows how obsessed you are with wearing her clothes.

This led to you guys often wearing the same things.

“bae we can’t wear the same jacket, we look like one of those cringey couples”

“I don’t mind”

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