8- enemies to lovers

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Jay got under your skin in a way no one else could. it was like everything he did annoyed you.

Sometimes you just wish If he could shut to be a mute boy rather than been a boy bitch-

That's what you call him.

whenever you went out, there he was, literary a glue on your side-

every time he greeted you, there was some sarcastic remark, or an insult mixed with it. you couldn’t stand him.

Tonight was no different than other nights. 

you met your friends at a club, instantly greeting them when you walked inside.

you shot Jay a glance, not bothering to say hello to him.


The sea of teenagers with imbalanced hormones was everywhere.

You could go like this all night long, feet moving to the crazy beat as they belong to the music.

You moved in your dress like your hips were made to sway, the sequins catching the disco ball light that twirls above - launching every shade of the rainbow.

the night carried on, you and your friends had a blast, taking shots and dancing most of the night.

that was until you finally needed a break, your feet were killing you.

you stumbled over to the bar, taking a seat on one of the stools, ordering a drink when someone slid into the stool next to you.

you turned your head slightly to see who it was and there was the boy- bitch, also ordering a drink.

you decided to ignore and not engage in conversation with him, not really craving a headache at that moment. 

“surprised you came here today.” 

Jay started up a conversation, something you wanted to prevent. 

“fuck off Jay.” you shot back which only made him chuckle.

“didn’t know you hated me that much, y/n.”

“Gald you know that now”

“ouch, that one hurt. you could’ve denied it, save me the heartache?”

“aww, poor baby. i prefer honesty, sorry if you don’t.” 

Jay stayed silent after your comment, his eyes scanning over you. it made you shift, wanting to get up and leave.

you were about to speak up about the way he was obviously checking you out until you heard someone call your name.

You turned your head towards the source of the sound- just to find your friends for a few months, flirting was something you did regularly.

you weren’t sure if he liked you or if he was just extremely friendly.

“jake! what a nice surprise.” you greeted, immediately giving him a smile.

Jay raised a brow at your immediate enthusiasm when you saw jake. 

he would’ve rolled his eyes if he was sure no one would’ve saw him.

“it’s nice to see you! you look great.”

Jay wasn’t sure if he cringed, gagged, or both at Jakes attempt at flirting with you.

it, however, looked like you were enjoying it by the way your smile widened. 

“i could say the same fo-” you didn’t even get to finish your sentence when a blonde came up and wrapped her arms around jake. 

“there you are, baby! was looking for you.” she said. baby

“y/n, right, this is my girlfriend.” jake introduced you. you had to stop your mouth from dropping at the word girlfriend.

he has a girlfriend.

“oh…oh! it’s, uh, great to meet you. you two look adorable together.” you complimented, trying your best not to seem upset.

“don’t we?” the blonde said, giving you what seemed to be a fake smile.

“and…and there’s someone i want you to meet!” you made up, making jakes head tilt.

“yeah, who?” he asked.

you turned around, eyed meeting Jay’s. “this is my boyfriend, Jay!”

Jay stared at you, almost not catching on at first. “oh! yeah, that’s me.”

he looked up towards jake and his girlfriend, sending them a smile. they shook hands and the blonde just seemed to be relieved.

after introductions, jake was pulled away by his girlfriend which you weren’t complaining about.

you felt like an idiot and now, you felt like an even bigger one for bringing him into your lie.

letting out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in, you chugged down the rest of your drink, cringing at the bitter taste.

when you looked back at Jay a smirk painted his lips-

“so, boyfriend huh?”

 you signed while passing  hand through your hair, you appeared stressed to Jay, which made himself ay the next words-

"hey, you did a great job.” he said while walking up to you, before he realized what he had just said- was he comforting you? “in my defense, that was not supposed to come out.”

“eh, it’s fine, pretty boy.”

“pretty boy?” he raised a brow at the nickname.

“well, it’s only fair that i make you flustered after you did it to me.”

“go out with me.”

you looked up at him in shock, almost not believing that he really said that to you.

“excuse me?” you blurted, almost giggling at how straight forward that was.

“go out with me.”

“to think i thought you were such shy, adorable man-child.”

“man-child?” Jay ultimately ignored the shy & adorable part because to some degree, you were correct. 

“you heard me.” 

“you know what I heard first though? shy and adorable so i’m gonna guess that’s a yes on that date.”

“you sure you deserve it?” tilting your head, you crossed your arms with a slightly challenging tone.

positive, pretty lady” 


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