7- Sleep on your chest

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He had come home early to surprise you and couldn’t wait to see the look on your face at the sight of him.

It was the longest you’ve been apart since you started dating three years ago

While you always having your patience with him everytime he goes to a concert or with his busy schedule-

He poked his head outside to make sure he saw your car in the driveway, and when he did, his eyebrows furrowed.

Where could she be? There was no way she was sleeping at this hour.

As he walked further into the house to check the living room and theater room to see if she might have been in there.

he pulled out his phone and noticed a missed call from you.

His phone had been on silent, so of course, he missed it.

The perks of being in a relationship with someone is that you could tell when they weren’t feeling their best right away.

It was the little things that your partner did differently that made you notice.

Jake frowned in defeat, dragging his luggage up the stairs.

He told himself that he was just going to change into his pajamas and call you back before he went to bed.

He’d take care of unpacking his bags in the morning.

But as he neared his bedroom, he heard faint, muffled voices.

His heart started racing. Maybe you were still here and was watching TV in their room.

He smirked, devilishly, and stopped rolling his suitcase.

Leaving it in the middle of the hallway as he tiptoed towards your bedroom door, hatching a plot to scare you.

He pressed his ear to the door, trying to hear what you were  listening to.

The voice had a familiar tone, but it was still too muffled to make out.

He swung the door open, ready to scream, but he quickly realized things weren’t as he thought.

The TV was off and it was pitch dark in their room.

He saw a lump under the sheets on your side of the bed and the familiar drabble of the voice became instantly recognizable as his own, she watching one of the old i-land episodes-


He stepped closer towards your bed to get a better look.

Your chest rose and fell in rhythm under the sheets as she breathed.

You looked so beautiful and peaceful as she slept, your phone resting beside your pillow while his voice carried on.

Jake’s head fell to the side in a tilt as a smile began to form on his face.

his heart warming the longer he looked at you.

He bit his bottom lip into his smile, watching as you slept, memorizing the timing of each breath you took and knowing when you’d take another.

Slowly, he lowered himself into bed, trying his hardest not to make too much noise or shake the bed.

He looked over at you who hadn’t moved an inch, he looked at your bare face but his his sight was disturbed with the hair falling out on your face-

Instinctively, Jake reached his arm out to adjust it, but you must have felt it, because the second his fingers brushed against your skin.

You jerked and twisted in his direction.

“Jake??” your voice was groggy and your eyes were still shut, “Is that you?”

“Shhh…” he soothed, scooting closer to Y/N and wrapping his arm around your waist, “It’s just me, love. Go back to sleep.”

But he wasn’t sure you even heard him.

You  nuzzled her face into his chest and intertwined your legs in his like you always did.

You seemed to have drifted back to sleep, just to him putting his head on his favorite pillow-

Warm, soft, and smelt good.

That’s all that he could think about.

He felt warm all over with his face pressed into your chest, the soft cushion of your sweater as well as your bra aking a rather nice pillow for him.

It didn’t help that your perfume was killing him to sleep.

He claimed his favorite napping spot was your chest, in your arms.

He was at his most vulnerable state when he was asleep and he felt the safest and most comfortable in your arms.

There was nothing he loved more.

He smiled, softly kissing your forehead, and listening to his recording of the calm story as pressed his cheek against the top of your head.

Before he too slowly began to fall asleep.

A/n : I'm jealous 😰.

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