bruises on your neck

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When they found a bruise on your neck @inkkoya


As Jake entered the room, he noticed you wincing in pain as you sat on the couch. He rumored over to your side, concerned, and asked what had happened. you looked up at him, your face twisted in pain, and pointed to a large bruise on your thigh.

"Fuck." Jake couldn't help but a curse," Who hurt you?"

"Slow down. I was doing some cleaning earlier and accidentally hit my leg against the edge of the coffee table. It hurts pretty bad."

"Let me take a look. Wow, that's a pretty big bruise. Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. It just hurts a lot right now." Jake could see the pain in your eyes and knew he needed to act fast. Jake headed to the kitchen and grabbed some ice to help reduce the swelling. He then sat down next to you, gently placing the ice pack on your bruise.

"Just relax and let the ice do its job. I'll make us some tea and we can watch a movie or something."


As Sunghoon's eyes fell upon your neck, he noticed a darkened spot that seemed out of place. His heart rate quickened as he wondered how such an injury could have occurred.

Questions raced through his mind as he searched for an explanation.

he approached you gently and asked, "Hey, what happened to your neck?"

you reached up to touch the area, wincing slightly, "Don't worry. I burned myself with the curling iron this morning while trying to get ready for work."

His eyes widened in surprise, "Oh no, that looks painful. Are you okay?"

you nodded, "Yeah, I'll be fine. It just stings a little. Thanks for asking."

"Should I bring some ice for it?" Sunghoon asked fast, worrying that it would leave a mark on your neck. "No."

"You know it looks like a hickey on you." Sunghooon chuckled to himself, making you smile. "It looks like one."


He could feel his heart sink. He approached you gently, concern written all over his face.
"Hey, babe. What happened to your arm? Are you okay?"

"What do you mean? What's on my arm?"

"This bruise. Did someone hurt you?" he said pointing at it.

"Oh, that. I didn't even notice it until now. I must have bumped into something."

"Are you sure? That looks pretty serious."

"I swear, I don't know where it came from. I would tell you if something happened."

"Okay, okay. I believe you. I'm just worried about you. Let me get you some ice and make sure you're okay."

"Thank you, that's sweet but I'm okay."


As Jay walked into the living room, he noticed you sitting on the couch with a pained expression on your face. your right arm was cradled protectively against your chest, and he could see a large, angry-looking bruise on your forearm.

Concerned, he approached you and gently asked, "What happened to your arm, love? Are you okay?"

you looked up at him, your eyes filled with a mix of pain and frustration. "I hurt myself playing basketball earlier today," you explained. "I went up for a layup and someone accidentally elbowed me in the arm. It hurts like hell."

Jay winced sympathetically, reaching out to take your good hand in his. "I'm sorry, babe. That sounds awful. Should we go to the hospital?"

you shook your head, a small smile playing at the corners of your mouth. "No, thank you though. It's just a bruise. I'll be okay."

But Jay wasn't satisfied. He knew how much you loved playing basketball, and he could see how much pain you were in. "Are you sure there's nothing we don't have to go to the doctor?" you squeezed his hand gratefully.

"You're sweet, but I'll be okay. I'll just rest it for a few days."

The boyfriend nodded, leaning down to press a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Okay, just let me know if you need anything, alright? I'm here for you."

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