Introduction :)

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Hello! Total disclaimer, this is my first time ever writing a fic so please keep your expectations low. I am also writing this story because I was bored and couldn't find a Vigilante Deku fic with every single detail, I wanted...shocking, I know. Then I realized "Whoa, I know how to use a keyboard! I- I can form semi-readable sentences! I'm qualified to do this!" >:)

Oh boy

There will be some cursing, and I'm sorry if the timeline doesn't make sense but I have the memory of a cockroach and the mental capacity of a drowned goldfish so please bear with me.

Izuku is quirkless,  and is 14 in his third year of middle school (it's June, so he'll be turning 15 next month)

I will try to keep updates regular, but I'm moving three states away so again, bear with me.

(I don't expect anybody to read this fic, so if you do hi :) leave a comment I'm lonely)

Atlas (Vigilante Izuku AU)Where stories live. Discover now