Chapter Twelve- Whisper Yelling

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✉ I'm sorry it took me a bit longer to upload this chapter, I got busy with not failing at life. I failed at not failing. I hope you enjoy, maybe listen to some music while you read? Just have a good time, enjoy your time here. ✉

TW for: abuse, neglect, bullying, if I forgot anything that needs to be here, please let me know. If any of these topics make you uncomfortable, I will put a TW  START at the start of these events and a TW END at the end of the events. Or, if you'd just like to be safe and skip the chapter that's cool too. I will be summarizing this chapter in the next one so don't worry about missing out!

The twins were arguing nearby and Aizawa could make out most of their conversation due to their proximity. They were so close he could read the names on their name tags 

"You absolute buffoon!" Anzu- the female twin, whisper yelled.

"What did I do?!" Akemi- the male twin whisper yelled back, resulting in his sister pulling harder on his ear.

"Ouch! Dammit Anzu, that hurts!" He squawked.

"Ma and I have told you countless times that you need to ask before getting touchy with Izuku." Anzu let go of her brother's ear and put her hands on her hips.

A look of realization flashed across Akemi's face. He glanced over to where the green haired boy was struggling to eat his slice of cake.

 "oh" he whispered.

Akemi sighed, rubbing the bridge of her nose and giving her twin a frustrated look. Taking his chance, Aizawa stood up and approached the two before they could go back and join the other three for cake.

"That kid's name is Izuku?" The hobo looking man asked with an indifferent expression.

The twins glanced at each other before looking back to him warily.

"I'm a pro hero, your coworker got involved in a robbery a few weeks ago." Aizawa gave a long-suffering sigh before pulling out his hero license. 

Nobody ever believed him.

"Erasure head? What kind of hero name is-" Akemi got cut off by his sister slapping a hand over his mouth, giving the pro hero a pleasant smile. 

"Yes, that's Izuku." Anzu answered.

"He's obviously pretty skilled, keep him out of trouble." Aizawa pinched the bridge of his nose.

"Ah, sorry Mr. Erasure head. We can't really do much about what he does outside of work." Akemi chirped, prying his twin's hand off of his face.

"You're not related?" The older man raised a brow. 

 Aizawa wanted to face palm at his stupidity, he had no idea why he thought Izuku and Eri were related to the owner of the cafe or her children. 

"No, and actually we never really interact with him outside of work." Anzu admitted, casting a worried look over to the table where Eri and the old woman were sitting.

The pro hero blinked in surprise; he hadn't even realized the other kid had disappeared.

"When he applied for the job did you get him to sign his full name?" Aizawa asked.

"Uh- Ma! What's Izuku's last name?" Akemi yelled across the cafe, getting the attention of the other two in the room.

"Hm? He put it down as Izuku Masuda, I thought you'd be able to remember it with how long he's worked here." The old woman called back, grumbling the last bit.

The albino girl sitting across from the older woman stiffened, but her face remained the same. Aizawa took notice but decided to chock it up to her being startled by Akemi yelling across the room.

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