Chapter Four- Busy body

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(This chapter is kind of skippable, but it's mostly to explain how Izuku gets money, and basically how he's been able to survive for five years)

Izuku's schedule was a bit complicated.

He'd wake up at 5am, get dressed, and start breakfast for Eri on a portable camp stove he had found and fixed up. Then Eri would wake up around 7am and eat, the meal would usually be something simple like oatmeal or eggs but when Izuku had the money he would make her some bacon.

Eri would then get dressed and the two would leave their shelter to start walking to a small cafe Izuku worked at. The cafe was owned by an old woman who dubbed herself Granny, she had two kids who helped her man the shop and it took Izuku forever to convince her to give him a job. She had been hesitant because he couldn't get a guardian to sign his workers permit and he was only 10 at the time, but she relented on the condition that he still went to school.

Now that school had let out three days ago, that condition didn't bother him much anymore. His shift ran from 10am to 3pm, and the owner of the cafe had said, "as long as Eri stays cute and doesn't disturb anyone she's welcome to stay with you while you work". During his shift one of the owners' kids would sneak Eri a sandwich and apple juice, insisting that they would cover the expense. 

After his shift was over, he'd usually run to the nearest convenience store with Eri and grab a microwaveable dinner or a cup of noodles. Then he'd spend 4 pm to 7 pm running through lessons for Eri.

With Izuku's and Eri's situation, enrolling Eri in a school would have been impossible so he did his best to stand in as a teacher. Eri had absorbed everything he had taught her like a sponge and didn't seem nearly as reluctant to learn as some of the kids her age, making it easy for them to speed through 'school' work.

At 7pm he'd heat up the microwaveable dinner and she'd eat it, afterwards she'd go to bed at 8:30.

Whenever they needed to shower (Izuku made Eri take one at least five times a week) Izuku would run them over to a nearby gym that closed at 6pm and easily pick the lock. The gym had two separate showers, but while Eri showered Izuku would stand outside the room and stand guard in case one of the gym's staff came back. When Eri was done, Izuku would sit her down on one of the gym's benches and hand her a book to keep her busy while he went to shower. Then they'd sneak out and hope nobody got in trouble for leaving the door unlocked.

After Eri was asleep Izuku would put on his Vigilante outfit (consisting of a black hoodie, black surgical mask, leggings and sometimes green goggles) and catch as many small-time villains as he could while gathering intel on larger villainous organizations. As long as nothing went wrong Izuku would be out from 9pm to 12am.

He'd then head home, clean his wounds, and work on whatever homework he had been assigned. Now that summer break had started, he didn't have any homework so instead he studied for highschool and worked on adding things to his Vigilante arsenal. 

If there was any food in the shelter he would eat it, but usually there wasn't or it was just a granola bar, banana, or left over from Eri's breakfast.

Once everything else was done he'd try to get some sleep, getting anywhere from five hours to ten minutes of rest.

The he'd rinse and repeat.




Hi :)

There were 600 words in this chapter, so for something that was kind of just to dump information I was surprised.

I hope the ghosts reading this were amused, so until next time goodbye!

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