Chapter Eight-Throwing hands

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Small TW for swearing, please skip this chapter if that bothers you :) Also let me know if you like the titles, if not I'll change them.

It had been a few weeks since Izuku and Eri had ran into Erasure head and Present mic. Izuku's birthday had come and gone, meaning he was now 15.

The owner of the cafe Izuku worked at told him to go do something fun for his birthday, not letting him even touch a dirty table or new order. He decided that since he couldn't go out and be a Vigilante in broad daylight or work at the cafe, he'd take Eri to the library.

She had the time of her life, running from shelf to shelf and whispering in excitement about a particularly interesting book she had found. They had spent most of the day in the library, and afterwards Izuku took Eri farther into the city to find somebody that sold candy apples.

If he thought she was happy about the books, the smile that lit up her face put every other smile Izuku had ever seen to shame. She had refused to eat one unless Izuku had one too, and they walked back home with the caramel apples eaten before they were half-way to Dagobah beach.

Izuku's face twitched into a smile under his mask.

He was perched atop one of the taller buildings in Musutafu dressed in his Vigilante gear. He had washed the hoodies and stitched them up- as well as stitching up his own wounds and had added a voice changer to a new mask that was...finicky at best.

The new mask looked like a glorified gas mask. He had found it washed up on the beach, and it had originally been filled with sand. He spent a week making the filtration system functional again and another week figuring out how to build a voice changer out of waterlogged junk.

Eri had accidentally fired off her quirk again, but the only thing affected was one of Izuku's Hero analysis journals.

She had been so upset with herself, and after accepting her apology and insisting that it was alright- the book was already burned, and the ink was smudged by water, Eri still wouldn't go near Izuku for the rest of the day.

Whenever her quirk was activated the horn on her forehead would shrink, and usually it was only a few seconds when her grip on it would slip, or when she was especially sad. After she got her quirk back under control, she would always become upset and the only thing Izuku could do was to try and console and reassure her that her quirk didn't make her a monster and that it was ok if she activated it on accident every once in a while, she was human, and humans were allowed to make mistakes.

He gave a heavy sigh; the noise being filtered through the voice changer making it sound gravely and deeper. Izuku glanced at his phone and found that it was 11pm and his shoulders twitched downwards momentarily, showing his relief. Nothing terrible had happened on his patrol yet so he might be able to go home and skip an hour of patching himself up. Maybe he'd get more than ten minutes of sleep tonight.

A loud crash suddenly echoed up from an alley beside the building he was currently sitting on. This was one of the quieter parts of town, with it mainly being used for living in and not traveling or shopping, so this sudden loud noise seemed out of place.

Izuku carefully peered over the edge and sighed in annoyance

A man was surrounded by four others, one of them had slammed the man into a nearby dumpster and by the looks of it was threatening him with a pocketknife.

Izuku pulled one of his newer gadgets out of his hoodie pocket- a compact ball with a fuse sticking out from the top. He flicked on his lighter and lit the fuse on fire before dropping it on the villains from above.

Almost immediately a plume of green smoke erupted from the small capsule and started filling the alley way, making it difficult for the villains to see.

Izuku dropped down onto a fire escape ladder, then swung himself onto one two stories under the first. When he got close to the ground, he swung himself off of the ladder and landed on one of the villains. 

She tumbled to the floor of the alley and gave a startled yelp before getting punched in the nose, she slumped, dazed by the attack. Unfortunately, Izuku's position within the smoke had been given away and a tall man charged towards him with his arms raised to guard his face. Upon seeing Izuku, the villain activated his quirk and his forearms flattened into what appeared to be a hard shield.

Izuku ducked past the initial attack, kneed the man in the gut, and twisted around to avoid an attack from a woman wielding a knife.

"Get out of here, asshole! This doesn't concern you." A third figure appeared, enlarging his hands to fan away the remaining smoke.

"Language." Izuku muttered, noticing the three flinch at the warbled voice.

He jumped forward, twisting the wrist of the woman holding the knife in the hopes of disarming her. Instead, she activated her quirk and her wrist twisted around like elastic.

"Screw you!" The woman yelled in anger, kicking Izuku in the shin and thrusting the knife forward towards his chest.

He let himself fall but caught himself and swept her legs out from under her. She landed with a thud and the other two villains made a noise of anger. The man with enlarged hands attempted to slam Izuku into the ground, but instead ended up creating another dent in the dumpster.

Izuku used the man's momentum against him, pushing himself into the air and sending his foot into the side of the man's face. The man dropped next to his other two companions, unconscious but Izuku was given no time to restrain them.

The last villain had rushed forward, his quirk forming a shield as he rammed towards Izuku with his arms raised over his face. The Vigilante simply sidestepped, turning the villains blocked vision against him.

He extended a foot out to trip the man, letting him fall and catch himself before knocking him out with a kick to the back of the head.

Izuku dragged the four of them over to the dumpster where he picked a nearby padlock to use in combination to a length of chain he found as restraints.

"Do you m-mind calling this i-in for me?" Izuku turned to the quivering man who nodded in terror.

"Cool b-beans." He sighed, popping his back.

When he caught villains, he'd usually use a nearby pay phone to call the nearest police station to fill them in on the situation and tell them where to send a cruiser or hero to come pick them up. But when a civilian was involved Izuku got them to call it in.

"Tell them Atlas s-saved yo-you." Izuku shot the man a thumbs up.

The he was gone, pulling himself up the ladder with practiced ease.

He was ready to go home.




1170 words?????

I dont know how but I did it so yay ig? I think I've been posting two chapters a day but I'm going back to school tomorrow, so I'll be busy with homework!

Bummer, but I'll probably have to reevaluate my update schedule. It'll probably be a chapter a day or a chapter every two days, but we'll see!

Bye, hydrate or dydrate and get plenty of rest!

(Fun fact: Izuku used potassium nitrate, and sugar to make the smoke bomb! He added powdered green dye for the color and sodium bicarbonate, so the smoke bomb didn't get too hot! The bombs themselves are not poisonous (unless you sit there and inhale the entire thing) and Izuku only uses them as a distraction or to aid in taking down large groups!)

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