Chapter Five- An apple a day keeps erasures away

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(Say that five times fast)

Izuku and Eri walked close together, both wary of the people surrounding them on the sidewalk. Spotting their chance, Izuku hoisted Eri onto his back and sprinted across the street. When he reached the other side, he speed-walked down a much tamer side street.

He glanced around warily before setting Eri down, watching her skip ahead of him.

"Can I get an apple?" Eri suddenly asked, doing a small twirl so she could hold Izuku's hand and walk next to him.

"Yes." Izuku replied.

He had found that giving the girl a definite answer like 'yes' or 'no' caused her less stress than if he were to say 'maybe'. Her face lit up with a triumphant smile and she pumped her fist in the air. Eri had worn one of her favorite dresses, it was made of a soft red fabric and had a small white bow tied around the waist. Simple, but complimenting her pale skin and red eyes.

"Then you should have one too! You probably didn't eat at all today, Izu." The girl scolded, prompting a chuckle from Izuku.

"You were h-hungrier than me. Be-besides, you're still growing and I'm already tall enough. I don't ne-need to grow anymore." He flashed her a smile to combat her scowl.

"But Izu, your short." Eri pouted, her brows drawing together in confusion.

Before Izuku could retort he noticed three sets of footsteps that were startlingly close. He whipped his head up to see three adults, a man and a woman had their arms draped around their other companion's shoulders, talking animatedly about whether cats or dogs make a better companion.

The man on the right had blonde hair tied back in a loose bun and was the loudest of the trio, while the woman on the left was a close second. She had on a pair of red glasses that went well with her long black hair. The man wedged in the middle wasn't contributing much to the conversation and judging by the bags under his eyes that could rival Izuku's, he was tired. The man's hair was black and bits of it hung in his face, adding to his disheveled appearance.

Eri tensed beside him, making him glance down to check on the girl. Izuku picked her up and balanced her on his back as he dashed across to the other side of the street.

He didn't care if his behavior had seemed suspicious to the three walking down the street, he had gotten a weird feeling from them and clearly Eri had felt the same.

"C-come on Er-Eri, lets g-get dinner." Izuku stuttered out, hating how easily it gave away his unease.

"Ok." Eri whispered back, dusting off her knees when Izuku set her back on the ground.

She reached for his hand and noticed that she seemed to be squeezing it a little tighter than before.


The school year had just finished up and two of his coworkers (he refused to call them friends) dragged him into the city for dinner and drinks. Hizashi had insisted on taking us to a new place in Musutafu and Nemuri had agreed for Aizawa.

"Cats are evil, Nemuri! Not loyal at all, you'll only find true companionship in a dog." Hizashi argued beside him, shaking his shoulder from where he had his arm wrapped around.

"Dogs are dumber than you, Hizashi- and that's saying something. At least cats are smart enough to know not to try and stop a bullet with a trash can lid 'for funsies'." Nemuri shot back.

Aizawa could tell that the conversation was about to turn into a very heated argument, but before he could break up the potential fight, he noticed two approaching figures.

"Can I get an apple?" A girl walking in front of a teen asked, giving a small twirl so she fell behind and grabbed the boys hand.

"Yes." The boy replied, looking down at the girl.

A small smile was visible under the hood, and a slight wind shifted it so that a mess of green curls was now visible.

"Then you should have one too! You probably didn't eat at all today, Izu." The girl put a hand on her hip and attempted to scold the boy- possibly her brother.

This didn't immediately make Aizawa concerned. After all, he sometimes was too busy or forgot to eat. But as the two got closer he could just barely make out thin scars twisting up and down the girl's legs as well as the boy seemingly favoring his left side.

"You were h-hungrier than me. Be-besides, you're still growing and I'm already tall enough. I don't ne-need to grow and more." The teen- Aizawa assumed he was named Izu, gave the girl another smile.

"But Izu, you're short." The girl pouted, her pale face very obviously showing that she was confused.

If Aizawa hadn't had red flags waving in his head, he'd probably laugh at this interaction. Both of them appeared to be injured in some way, and the boy was apparently not eating well.

Suddenly the teen's head shot up, glancing over Aizawa and his companions who were now at the verge of beating each other into the pavement.

He noticed as the girl beside the teen stiffened, her face obviously anxious. Aizawa was confused, did the two recognize them as heroes even though they were dressed as civilians? If so, why were they so afraid of them?

Aizawa didn't even get to think of actually asking these questions because in an instant the boy had scooped the girl onto his back and bolted across the street where he continued to speed walk out of view.

"Shut up." Aizawa told the two who had let go of him and were shaking their fists at each other.

Immediately the other two heroes turned their heads to look at him. He turned back around with an even more exhausted expression on his face.

"What's up Shouta?" Hizashi asked, confused but immediately forgetting the argument between him and Nemuri.

"Those two kids- did you not hear what they were talking about at all?" Aizawa asked.

The two looked a little embarrassed but shook their heads.

Aizawa gave a tired sigh, glancing back in the direction of where the two had disappeared. 

"I'm bit worried about them is all." He managed, confused over the feeling in his gut.

"What's this? Aizawa is actually worried about somebody?" Nemuri gasped, placing a manicured hand over her mouth in mock surprise, really in an attempt to hide her own worry.

"We can go follow 'em for a bit if you want, make sure they get home safe?" Hizashi suggested.

"Yeah, you two can do that. I'll head to the restaurant and get us a table." Nemuri slapped Aizawa on the back and gave a suggestive raise of her eyebrows after glancing between him and Hizashi.

Aizawa let out a heavy sigh, making an effort to ignore his coworker's antics before turning around and walking in the direction of the two problem children.




Prepare to be blown away! This chapter was 1114 words >:) be proud of me please ghosts.

Seriously though, I wasn't expecting to do a part from Aizawa's POV, but I guess you can see how that expectation translated into reality.

Good bye, sleep well, get some food, hydration is important you don't wanna end up looking like Shigaraki with those crusty dusty lips.

Atlas (Vigilante Izuku AU)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ