Chapter Seven-Disappearing act

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(Eri gave Izuku the nickname Izu because she claimed it was cute and easier to say. I think it's funny that Shouta and Hizashi are calling him that too)

Now Izuku knew why the group had given him a weird feeling. They were pro heroes.

"I just wanted some coffee." The man Izuku now recognized as Erasure head mumbled.

"Nobody asked you to tag along Erasure head, you could have kept looking for- OH HEY ITS THOSE KIDS!" Present mic had activated his quirk, making the last half of his sentence loud and startling. 

Izuku's hands had been bound to his side when Eraser head used his capture weapon to drag him away from Eri, making him drop the bag of apples. He frowned, too focused on trying to tell if the apples were too bruised to be eaten or if he could just wash them really well and they'd be fine.


Hizashi was right, the teen he had wrapped in his scarf was the same one from earlier and the girl he had separated from the teen was also the same. His worry grew, because at this distance he could tell the boy was bleeding from his nose, shoulder, and somewhere on his chest judging by the spots of blood soaking through Aizawa's capture weapon.

"Hey, were you two involved in that robbery down the road?" Aizawa's gruff voice asked.

The boy stopped struggling in the capture weapon, but instead of looking at the two heroes his gaze fixed on four apples that had spilled from a bag out into the road.

Had he stolen the apples? Was this the reason somebody called in a robbery? Over four apples? If so, why did the kids steal them? Are they not given enough food at home? Aizawa frowned in annoyance.

"Let Izu go!" The little girl's voice wavered in fear, but it was loud enough for Aizawa to snap out of his thoughts.

"Izu? Is that your big brothers name?" Hizashi crouched down to talk to the little girl.

She was shaking like a leaf in the wind, but her tiny fists were clenched in anger by her side. Aizawa could now make out a horn jutting out from the right side of her forehead, making him momentarily worried that she'd headbutt Hizashi like a goat.

"Did Izu take these apples from somebody?" Aizawa asked, tugging on his capture weapon to bring the boy closer and noticing how light the boy was.

"No! Izu paid for them." The girl sent a glare towards Aizawa, glancing worriedly towards her brother.

"Mic, go check the store to make sure these kids really weren't involved." Aizawa jerked his head in the direction of the store, earning him a mock salute from Hizashi.

He watched his coworker run off towards the address they had been given then turned around to unwrap the boy from the capture weapon.

Only to find that the weapon had gone slack, and the boy had disappeared.

Aizawa whirled to where the girl had previously been standing and realized that she too had seemingly evaporated as well as the four apples on the ground.

The hero ran a hand down his face, groaning in annoyance.


While the two heroes had been talking, Izuku had been sawing away at the capture weapon. It had taken him much longer than usual because of the strong material, but with the help of a serrated pocketknife he kept in the pocket of his hoodie he was able to carefully slip through the glorified scarf.

Erasure head had been momentarily distracted, and he used this as a window to scoop up the apples and Eri before sprinting off into an alley.

"H-here Eri, hold the-these." Izuku handed her the apples, then took off his hoodie and used it to tie Eri to his back.

He glanced back down the alley then hoisted himself and Eri up the ladder to the roof, planning to put as much distance between the heroes and them as possible.

It wasn't that Izuku specifically hated these individual heroes, in fact Present mic may be one of the only heroes that had even a hint of Izuku's respect. Erasure head had become one of Izuku's idols after Izuku had become a Vigilante, though his list of idols was incredibly short Erasure head was one of four heroes on the list.

"Sorry." Eri murmured, still sounding shaky.

"What f-for?" Izuku was confused, the girl had done nothing wrong.

"I think I told that loud man your name." She hugged Izuku's back a little tighter when they had made it onto the roof.

"The o-only thing they know is that you ca-called me Izu." He paused so he could jump onto the next rooftop, letting Eri adjust to the terrifying form of transportation that was roof jumping.

"They don't k-know my full na-name, and they don't know that I-Izu is just a n-nickname." He picked up his pace a little, hopping carefully from one building to the next.

"So, you're not mad?" Eri asked hesitantly.

"Not a-at all." Izuku reached behind him to ruffle her hair, earning a small giggle of protest.

Izuku was rarely ever angry around Eri, and when he was the anger was never directed at her. Still, he remembered her recount of her treatment under Chisaki and understood why she expected him to react that way. It just made him sad that her life before living with him had left those kinds of scars.

"Can we go home now? I'm hungry.' Eri asked, sounding less nervous than before.

"S-sure, I guess we go-got to stay up late t-tonight." Izuku chuckled, hopping across rooftops that were conveniently similar heights.

"Izu, you always stay up late." Eri pointed out with a small yawn.

Izuku just laughed.




Got to love that sibling bonding time, casually running away from two pro heroes 

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