Chapter Thirteen- Office Shenanigans

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(I am currently writing this three states away from home, spent eleven hours in the car and I am unable to sleep SOOOOOOO here you are, please enjoy.)

(Recap)- Aizawa hears the twins arguing, Izuku doesn't like to be touched, Hobo hero is like 'hm, that's suspicious" . We learn Izuku is using the alias of  Masuda Izuku, meanwhile broccoli  boy is crying in the back room, he needs a hug.

Eri's POV

(Mild TW: scars, gore)

It had been a rough night for Izu.

Eri sat hugging her legs, listening to the sound of rain pummeling the roof of the bus they slept in. There were large sheets of metal propped against and over the bus that concealed its location, but during storms like this it made the falling raindrops sound like a lullaby.

The albino girl rubbed her aching arms- when it rained or got cold her scars always reminded her that they were there. She knew it was worse for Izu even though he never did anything to reveal his pain, he always made sure she was comfortable but never made any moves to improve his own situation.

Izu had draped a heated blanket over Eri, plugging the blanket in to the generator he had found and fixed up. It filled the bus with a steady hum but wasn't annoying or too loud because of how beat up the motor was.

Last night Izu had gotten home later than usual and accidentally woke Eri up when he tried to grab the first aid kit. His hands had been shaking so badly that he had dropped the metal box, resulting in a loud noise.

Izu's abdomen- that was yesterday's word of the day, was covered in blood.

This scared Eri.

She had never seen so much blood on Izu before. He had insisted that she didn't need to be worried because it looked bad but really wasn't. She still refused to go back to bed until he had stopped the bleeding and had a clean shirt on.

He wouldn't tell Eri the details of what happened, only that there had been an accident at work. By now Eri knew that when Izu left at night, he was being a hero. When she had first caught him sneaking back into the bus and asked why he had left he had told her that there were scared people that were waiting to be helped but that nobody was willing to help them. She had asked why, and he tried to explain that heroes were no longer focused on saving people and instead on getting recognized by the media, so more and more crimes were being ignored in less populated parts of town.

Thus, Eri came to the conclusion that he was a hero.

Even if he wasn't a legal one.

Aizawa's POV

"You want my assistance on a case of yours?" Nezu placed his paws on the desk in front of him in a steepled position

Aizawa nodded, suddenly feeling like he had made a mistake.

"This vigilante intrigues me. It's been a while since I've had a good puzzle to solve." Nezu's smile widened.

Aizawa flinched, the principal of UA was a genius and adding in his slightly sadistic personality resulted in a rat satan with a ridiculous amount of blackmail. 

"I'll tell Tsukauchi you've joined the team." He sighed turning to leave Nezu's office.

"Good, I'll be contacting you when I have found the identity of Atlas." Nezu called after the teacher, making his confidence known.

Aizawa grunted and closed the door to the office, narrowly avoiding his loudest coworker's attempt at a hug.

"Shouta you stupid idiot!" Hizashi yelled, lurching towards Aizawa again to latch onto him in his signature bear hug.

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