Chapter Fifteen- Frustrated Rat

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(I'm working on a new fan fic. It'll be a MHA AU but I'm not sure it fits into a category, it might be the first? It'll be cool ((I hope)) 

Nezu's POV

How could a vigilante, who had supposedly been around for about five years, not have any pictures or videos to support his online fanbase?

Nezu was beyond frustrated, he stared down at a case file filled to the brim with captured criminals but only containing one of information on the vigilante's appearance- all of it was guess work. For tea's sake there were only ten people willing to give eyewitness reports and they were all too vague and not very helpful.

One report from a villain described Atlas as "A hulking beast with shoulders that could block out the sun." Detective Tsukauchi wrote false in the margins. 

The principal of UA was very rarely challenged so this would be a treat if it wasn't so...impossible.  

He took a deep breath, getting frustrated was narrowing his options. He needed some tea, maybe the coffee protege Aizawa spoke about made half decent tea- he made a mental note to look into it later.

For now, he could map out where Atlas usually reports crimes to supply the field heroes with a place to start looking.

Well done, Atlas. 

You've come this far, now all I need is for you to slip up once.

Izuku's POV

He felt terrible.

He hadn't been able to sleep for the past two nights, and if he wasn't so good at pushing his feelings and expressions down, he would've been forced to take time off from work.

Izuku had been working at Granny's cafe every day because it was Summer, and school was out. Eri enjoyed playing in the cafe and even started drawing on the coffee sleeves that Izuku put on the customers cups.

The greenette knew that as long as he showed no sign of being tired, he could keep helping Granny and earning money for Eri. So that's what he did, this wasn't the longest he had been without sleep, and he definitely wasn't especially tired. However, Eri had gotten more and more perceptive after his slip up with the first aid kit.

A bell rang through the cafe, startling Izuku from his thoughts. He stepped around Eri and nervously adjusted his sleeves to hide the nasty scars twisting out from under the too short sleeves.

"H-hello welcome to Den's Cafe, How c-can I help you t-today?" Izuku asked, Eri had been trying to help him with his stutter which made him feel guilty. She should be having fun and being a kid, not spending time with a Deku nobody.

"Sho it's him, oh my goodness he doesn't look hurt!" A loud man entering in front of a much quieter man stormed up to the counter and stared at Izuku with visible relief.

"Zashi, don't scare the poor boy. He might not even remember you." The quieter man put a hand on his friend's shoulder, Izuku recognized him as Aizawa- otherwise known as Erasure head, who had come to the cafe yesterday too.

"Oh! Sorry little listener, I'm Hizashi Yamada." The blond introduced himself with a warm smile,

Izuku recognized him. His hair was pulled up into a half up half down style, but the voice was a dead give away. This was Present Mic.

"N-nice to meet yo-you." Izuku forced out, giving a nod of acknowledgement.

"Sho here said you make the best coffee so I had to come see for myself; do you mind whipping me up a mocha?" Hizashi pointed back to his coworker who was giving Izuku's concealer smeared cheek a hard stare.

"A mocha a-and do you want the sa-same as yesterday?" He glanced to Aizawa who nodded tiredly.

"That'll be six dollars and e-eighty cents." Izuku told them, putting the money into the register and turning to start working on the coffees.

"Izu, I drew on some more of those sleeve things for the cups." Eri whispered from beside him.

She had her back pressed against the counter he was using for making coffee and was holding up about four cup sleeves with colorful pictures of flowers and animals.

"I'll put them on th-these orders." He smiled down at her, wishing he could manage more than an upwards twitch of his lips to show she made him happy.

Eri still knew what he was trying to do and replied with her own radiant smile that put the brightest stars to shame.

Izuku finished the two orders and slid Eri's custom cup sleeves on, making his way over to where the two civilian clothed pro heroes seemed to be having a serious conversation.

Aizawa shushed Hizashi when he noticed the teen approaching, trying not to fall asleep on the table. He had lost more sleep trying to find Atlas the night before.

"Thanks, little listener!" Hizashi exclaimed, taking the coffee from the boy's hands noticing the cup sleeve.

"Is your sister here?" Aizawa noticed the sleeve too, glancing around the seemingly empty cafe.

Izuku nodded, turning towards the counter where Eri was sitting. He didn't trust himself to speak right now with how nervous he was.

"Izu." The little girl's arm suddenly popped out from behind the counter making a beckoning motion.

Izuku blinked in confusion, glancing back at the heroes that appeared to be trying hard not to look like they were listening. He quickly made his way over to the counter, crouching beside the girl.

"Are they nice?" Eri whispered, though it was loud and probably audible to the heroes.

"I think s-so." Izuku replied, giving her a reassuring pat on the head.

She nodded with a serious expression before creeping around Izuku and making her way over to a table close to the counter. She watched the heroes warily while walking, acting as if they would jump up and attack them if she looked away.

Izuku heard Aizawa give a long sigh upon noticing the behavior, probably realizing how little they trusted them.

The teen stood up and started making the batter for some cookies, glancing up to make sure the heroes didn't need anything before finally glancing up and seeing that they were gone.

"How l-long have they been go-gone?" He asked Eri.  

The girl gave a shrug, clearly focused on her drawing.

"I hope t-this doesn't become a reg-regular thing." Izuku sighed, sitting next to Eri and glancing down at her picture.

"Hey Izu?" Eri continued to draw without looking up at him.

"Hm?" He paused in his stretch, his arms folded behind his head and his back arched.

"Can you take me with you to wash clothes this time?" She glanced up, her ruby eyes shining hopefully but trying to act indifferent. 

"Yeah, I'd e-enjoy the company." Izuku attempted another smile and Eri smiled back, happy with the life she shared with her brother.




I'm sick...that's fun :) I might have more opportunities to write, so maybe more chapters? I will say that this story has no planning whatsoever, its just kind of 'what am I feeling like writing today?' while my newest story has about 4500 words worth of planning and I'm not even done XD.

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