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(Seven POV)

Sigh, man. My birthday is tomorrow. We're going out today though. It's Sunday and I'm sat in my bed all alone. No girls, no weed. My mum has vodka downstairs but I can't be asked to get up and get it.

My phone buzzed from beside me. Of course it was Adam belling me.

"Wagwan dickhead." I hear nonchalantly when I answer the phone.

"So I don't get no happy birthday?" I asked him.

"It's not your birthday mate." He replied.

"Will I be getting my birthday gifts though?"

"See, that's where I jammed, you're getting money broski." He told me.

"Safe. I don't mind," I said honestly. "Sigh munnn, what you saying though?" I was nervous because Jayda was in charge of planning this motive, I've known this girl for less than a month and I'm letting her plan my birthday nd shit? Damn.

"Got head last night innit. It was trash, I fink got bite marks on my piece now."

I burst out laughing, "MAN SAID HES GOT BITE MARKS ON HIS DICK!"

"It's not funny, she can't give head, but she's an ashewo." He kissed his teeth.

"Some hoes are better for other things." I shrugged.

That's when I heard a knock on my door. "Yes?" I put my phone on mute.

"Seven, get up, aren't you going out today?" My mom asked me.

"I am, but it's 8am." I replied in a duh kind of tone.

"Okay. What time you leaving?" She asked me whilst picking up clothes off at the floor."

"Uhh around 4."

"Well get up nuh?!" She said, taking my dirty clothes hamper in one hand and my small bin in the other downstairs to be emptied. She does this every time she comes in my room.

"Love you mum!" I shouted after her, heaving myself out of my bed.

"Aww you and your mom are cute." Adam said.

"Go away bro, that's mumzy gotta love her regardless." I replied.

"If I knew where mine was..." There was an awkward silence on the call until I spoke.

"Sorry bro." I said sincerely.

"It's not your fault innit, its been like a few years and that." He mumbled.

"I know, but I know what it's like to lose a parent you get me, if you want to talk, or need anything I'm here, always remember that." I said, reassuring him.

"Tanks bredda." Adam added. "Man like Sevennn, big 15. I'll be like you in May!" He sounded like he was cheering up, which was good, I like seeing my friends happy.

"Lool that's next year!" I exclaimed stretching, "such a young boy man."


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