Chapter 16

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Okay, so this chapter is really just fluff. It's mainly a "time skip" but with actual content. I was feeling very mushy so here's cavity-worthy fluff to hit you right in the heart. If only I had this kind of relationship :')


Third Person POV

In the following months that came, Sebastian and Y/N found themselves in a form of normalcy. It was bizarre to them at first, not having to sneak around constantly but they quickly grew fond of it. The strangest part of it all was how perfect it seemed. While they did have their fair share of ups and downs, celebrations and arguments, as well as laughter and tears, the whole ordeal never seemed to faze them. Everything was just another challenge that the two would tackle together. Even their friends, slowly but surely, grew accustomed to the couple and came to accept it. While the New Directions and Sebastian might not be on the best of terms (still), both sides were able to push past it for one reason: Y/N. They cared for her far too much to let anything jeopardize her happiness.

Despite their busy schedules of classes, preparing for college, and glee club, they always made sure that they made time for each other. Even if it were just for a moment. They've had plenty of one-minute dates (a/n: I saw this in Big Time Rush and it was the cutest thing in the world).

As cliché as it may seem, their lives became that of a fairy tale, or rather a show (a/n: wink wonk). Y/N was living the fairy tale she's dreamt for since she was little with Sebastian as her Prince Charming. She wasn't concerned about anything when she was with Sebastian, all of her problems and all of her worries seemed to melt away. Time either stood still or flew by all too fast when they're together.

They both thought about the future, their future. Just not with each other. They both thought that it could wait, all they cared about was being together. The thought of picket fences and a 9-5 job both excited and terrified them. The moment their thoughts would be shared with one another would be a breath of fresh air. There were so many thoughts and worries that would run through their heads and all they wanted, all they needed was to talk about it.

They've always wanted that storybook ending anyway.

They were only 18, haven't even graduated high school yet, but were ready to be together. They were ready to live their own happily ever after.

Y/n's POV

Sebastian and I were laid down on the picnic blanket, my head resting against his chest. We were staring up at the clouds. It was peaceful. The slight breeze, the rising of his chest and the heartbeat that I could hear clear as day in the quietness that lingered. The cloud-watching date was his idea and it turned out perfectly.

We laid there for hours, not saying anything. We were just enjoying getting to be together. I hope we do this more often.

"Seb?" I whispered, tilting my head up to look at him. He let out a hum in response, his eyes were shut. He looked content. "I wish we could stay like this forever."

His eyes opened slowly and his head tilted down, his gaze meeting mine. "If you want to stay here forever, then we will." The look on his face was so serious and I knew that he meant every word he said.

"I do."


A/N: Wow, it feels AMAZING updating this story (especially since it's been so long since I've last updated it). I feel like my writing style has changed slightly and (hopefully) has gotten better so it seems to flow better and look more like a real story (and not too cringey).  I took creative writing this year so that definitely helped with my shift in writing technique. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to writing more for you again soon! <3

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