Chapter 18

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Hi! I hope you enjoy this part of the story! I have been so lucky to have been able to write this for all of you and I couldn't be more grateful for all of the support you've given me. Thank you for everything!


Blaine's POV

Kurt and I were helping Rachel practice her lines for her audition when there was a rapid knock on our door.

"You guys keep working, I can get the door." I said, standing up and walking over to the door. The knocking continued, "Alright, alright, I'm coming." I open the door and Sebastian looks as frantic as ever. "Sebastian? What's wrong?"

"Wrong? Wrong? Nothing's wrong, I'm just freaking out. I'm freaking out Blaine!" He rambled as he walked inside and started walking back and forth.

"Woah, woah, slow down okay? What's the matter?" I said, putting my hands on his shoulder to stop him from pacing. By now, Kurt and Rachel have stopped rehearsing lines and came over to see what was going on.

"Okay, okay. I'm alright, it's just that... I have something to tell you all. Wait, wait right here, hang on for one second." He said rushing back out.

Rachel and Kurt just looked at me and we were all confused. Sebastian came back in a few minutes later, pushing Beca and Amy inside and shutting the door behind him.

"Okay, Sebastian, what is this? What's going on?" Beca asked, frazzled.

"Alright, everyone..." He began, taking a deep breath before he continued, "I'm going to ask Y/N to marry me." The five of us exchanged looks with each other, our eyes wide.

"Oh, my, GOD! Sebastian, that's great!" Kurt exclaimed, a huge smile on his face.

We all started to congratulate him before he spoke up again, "The reason I brought you all together is because I want your help with the proposal. I want all of our friends to be in on it."

"Yeah, of course we'll help! What do you need us to do?" Rachel asked.

"I need you guys to just start calling everyone and let them know. I have the ring already and I'm actually on my way to pick it up now. But, my plan is to take her back to Lima. Next week is the anniversary of our first date. I want to propose to Y/N that night at the park. That's where our date was and that's where I want to propose. I even wrote a song for her." He said with a happy look on his face. "So, what do you think?"

"You can count us in." I said, throwing my arm over his shoulder.

The rest of the day was spent with us making calls to all of our friends and Sebastian getting the plan ready.

Sebastian's POV

"I just got off the phone with Jeff, everything will be ready by the time we get there." I said to everyone as we sat down after our busy day.

"And we've called all of Y/N's friends from McKinley and Barden. Everyone's going to be there." Blaine said, tossing his phone onto the coffee table.

"I can't believe I'm going to propose to her." I whisper to myself.

"Well believe it, lover boy because it's happening." Beca said.

Everything seemed surreal. I was so ready to marry Y/N and if I could, I would on the spot. I wanted this proposal to be special for her. And I can't wait for the day I get to say "I do" to her.


A/N: Ah, this story is drawing closer to its end and it's bittersweet to me. I can't wait to finish this story so you can have the ending you all deserve but I also am going to miss writing this story for you all. I hope that you all like my other works I'll be writing in the future. And who knows, maybe I'll revisit this story and write a sequel.

(UPDATED) A/N: Okay, so I've had this ready for a while BUT I think I'll continue this story for a few chapters past 20 since it doesn't feel right to rush it since it's not in a position to end just yet! I am really proud of this story and the attention it has gotten! Love you all.

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