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"No secrets really can't be revealed by time, huh?" 

"Huh?" Jiwoo looked at his teacher who was sitting on the sofa with his cat legs crossed and eating his treat. 

"I'm talking about this academy." Kayden pointed at the structure of the school, "I bet they built this to increase their power secretly." he kept on chewing on the food prepared by Jiwoo. "Too bad they got caught." 

"They're experts at finding things like this. Those shits got a major inferiority complex." Curtin suddenly joined the conversation. "Bet they'll challenge you and attempt to crush not only your school but your egos."

The young man kneeled to level his teachers, "Then why shouldn't we reveal our abilities?"

"Everyone has been hiding their real abilities. In my years of being awakened, shame to admit but, I never expected this country to hide this much power." his eyes turned solemn. 

"But why are they doing that?"

"Let's say you have an enemy, you wouldn't want to fight them with predictability right? The strong crush the weak, to show how strong the awakeners are in their country the interest of other countries depends on how they viewed your country." 

"And South Korea has played a game of hide and seek."

His mind flashed the image of his wife, "Like Suzuya. She never fought on full power." 

Curtin who heard it snorted, "Of course, that woman wants to play weak. That her power still had a limit. When in truth it was beyond your imagination." 

Jiwoo cocked his head to the side, "have you two fought with her?"

"Sparring, but she holds back every time. It's no fun." 

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