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He took another test. Another and another, all showed two pink lines, he is pregnant! His hands involuntarily went to his tummy and he gulped. There is a child in there and he is the parent! Are they ready for this? Ofcourse they wanted kids, but only after a few years.

They had their whole life planned. Get married when they twenty three and twenty five. A year of married bliss by themselves and then a child. They initially planned to have two kids but then it changed to three. They had it all planned when they were cuddling after a make out session, at the age of fifteen and seventeen.

But now, things have changed. They can't abort the baby, he can't even think about it. He was never against abortion, everyone has the right to decide whether she or he is ready to carry a child, but it was a promise Arthit gave to himself that h will never abort the child if he gets pregnant, not unless his life is on line. He is also not gonna give up the baby for adoption as he is already loving it. He is gonna keep the baby and he is sure that his mate is gonna be there for him.

He slowly stepped out of the bathroom, ready to face his boyfriend. Kong looked up, asking for the answer with his eyes. Arthit sighed and smiled awkwardly before announcing.

"I am pregnant!"

Kong went through almost all the thoughts and maybe some extra as Arthit went through. The first decision they made is that they are gonna keep the baby.

"We have to inform our parents." Arthit said.

"Now? No, don't!" Kong started panicking, ofcourse he should.

"We have to! They are surely gonna find out in less than a week with all the nausea and my eating habits, it's better if we confess before that!"

"But... Can't we wait for a few more days or a few weeks?"

"No! We should tell them and we have to go to an hospital!" Arthit stated.


"What why? I am pregnant, so we should visit a obstetrician to check on the baby and something like that."

"Can't we just go without letting them know?"

"I've been missing my periods for two months, I'm not even sure if it's more than that. I think my body is already changing and I ..." Arthit started crying, unable to complete his sentence. He was trying to act calm and cool but terribly failed with all the emotions and hormones floating around.

Kong hugged his mate and rubbed his back, trying to calm him down. But the truth is that he himself was shaking.

They are gonna die, in the hands of the ones who gave birth to them and raised them....


So I am back after another long break and the reason for the break is, as I have mentioned earlier, a delayed promotion. I was kinda struggling with my studies and all and also frustrated with all the tauntings from our teachers (especially our English teacher who is super annoying) but yeah, as half the class failed, I was not alone and it was refreshing? Idk ...Anyways, as I was saying, Maths became bitchier, physics said FU and chemistry, I don't even understand...and computer science, which we thought was an easy subject, proved us wrong and we  were literally crying when each and every code we wrote showed "Error".

Fortunately, our summer break started and me being me decided to chill out for a few days before resuming the story and now am back... I'll be updating atleast twice in a weak from now on, I hope. So, I am not promising anything

Soooo... That's it
Bye bye

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