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Their trip back to home was uneventful, just them clinging on to each other like their life depends on it. As they reached their home, Arthit got engulfed in a tight hug by his and later by his future mother-in-law. They were so happy and got so busy in feeding him his favourite food items that they failed to notice his uneasiness and his effort to breath through his mouth as the smell of some made his stomach churn. Kongpob who noticed this couldn't do anything other than holding his boyfriend's hand.

They were so happy having their baby back home after a month and pampered him with love, but the baby was freaking out 'cause of the baby inside him. He really, really, really wanted to share this information with his family but didn't know how to.

' I'm pregnant!', then? They're gonna kill him. Okay, they're not gonna kill but he also knows that they're not gonna dance around, excited about their first grandbaby. Ofcourse not! He is just eighteen, nineteen in less than two months and most importantly, just a student who have three more years to go and his boyfriend's situation is much worse. Sixteen, not even a legal adult, gonna be seventeen in six months, a high school student who is not gonna be starting a career in the next five years.

Their parents have accepted the thought of them getting married one day and starting their own family, but not in the next five years. Even Arthit and Kongpob didn't have a clue to that they would have a baby when they are basically kids. Okay, not kids, teenagers.

The day ended with Arthit sleeping like a baby, Kongpob having another sleepless night full of thoughts and their parents going to sleep without a clue about the big secret their kids are hiding.

Kong looked out through the window to find his lover sleeping peacefully, well he saw the other's legs thrown in two different directions and that means he is asleep. He still remember fighting with his sisters for the room with windows facing Arthit's so they could see each other even at night.

The next day started with Arthit once again vomiting everything left in his stomach. His mother found him in this condition and got worried thinking that he ate something bad, ofcourse she wouldn't suspect a pregnancy.

The day proceeded with Arthit having a very little amount of breakfast after a small nap and then texting his lover.

' You have to tell them. '- Arthit

' You tell' - Kongpob

' No way' - Arthit

' Phiiii!!!' - Kongpob

' You should and you will or else I am breaking up with you' - Arthit

' You are blackmailing me!' - Kongpob

' Yes I am and I am serious!' - Arthit

' Phi, they won't scold you as you are pregnant but they will kill me' -Kongpob

' Get lost!' - Arthit

He blocked Kongpob and went back to bed as he was extremely tired. He couldn't sleep anymore due to the nausea but just laid there with his face buried in the pillow. He was at the verge of crying as his boyfriend basically abandoned him, he is pregnant, sick and tired and he couldn't even do this one thing for him.

He wanted to smash his boyfriend's head and remain single for life. Why can't he understand that he is already stressed and want this one task done for him. He is going to carry a child in his body for God knows how many more months and the kid is already making him tired and his fucking boyfriend couldn't even face this one challenge.

He held back his tears and sighed.

He looked up when the door opened, it was Kong. Arthit aggressively went back to his former position.

"I'll tell them! Tomorrow!" Kong announced and laid down beside Arthit, hugging him from behind. Arthit didn't even look at his partner and continued sulking.

"P'Ai'oon, I'm sorry" Kongpob decided pamper his boyfriend for forgiveness and after a few minutes of begging, Arthit forgave his boyfriend and they ended up cuddling till the evening.

Two weeks passed without the news being announced and one evening, Kongpob stood beside his mother who is busy with calculating expenditures.

" Ma!" he could feel his hands getting sweaty.

"Hmm?" the woman replied without looking up from her book.

"I have something very important to tell you." Kongpob said. His mother looked up and faced him, indicating to continue.

"P'Arthit is pregnant." he announced. Kongpob heart rate increased, he fisted his hands and he suddenly felt cold.

"What do you mean?" his mother asked, keeping her book aside.

"I...I..." he started stuttering and rubbed together his now free hands.

"Are you trying to prank me or something?" she asked as she stood up from her seat, her expression changing from calm to a confused one.

"No..." followed by an unsettling silence for a few minutes.

"So...He is pregnant?" she asked, trying to digest the truth. Kongpob nodded 'yes' to the question and then she marched out of the house. He knows that she is going to Arthit's.

He let out the breath he was holding and stayed glued to the ground for a few moments till he realised that he has to follow his mother...

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