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Mr. and Mrs. Rojnapath, along with Mrs. Suthiluck stood in front of the laboratory, waiting for Arthit, whose blood is being drawn. The news of the pregnancy shook both the households and many scolding and arguments happened. It all ended with Arthit crying when his parents were arguing on whether they should abort the baby or not.

The night once again turned out to be a sleepless on for the parents and also the soon to be parents. The very next day, they dragged Arthit out to the hospital, only after promising that no one is even going to mention about getting an abortion.

After the 'drawing blood' ceremony, they all are waiting in front of the doctor's cabin for their turn to enter.

' Arthit Rojnapath ' the nurse called out after what seemed to be an eternity and now they are all sitting opposite to the doctor. The doctor turned out to be a sweet lady in her late twenties. She enquired about all the symptoms and then atlast asked the patient and one of the guardians to follow her to the room adjacent to the doctor's cabin.

Mrs. Rojnapath helped Arthit to lay down on the examination table while the doctor got ready with her machine. Arthit lifted up his shirt and soon a cold sensation accompanied by a rhythmic sound overcame his sences.

"This is your baby." the doctor helped locating.

Seeing his baby for the first time, hearing it's heartbeat, all helped to properly digest the fact that he is with child and that child is soon gonna be in his arms.

"It is 11 weeks old, healthy!" doctor stated.

Now they are all sitting, facing the doctor as she made notes.

"The baby is healthy." she said, looking up from the file. "But the mother is a bit week. Nothing you got to worry about, but better safe than sorry, right? So, I recommend you to go one bed rest, for a month."

The parents shared worried looks and the doctor obviously noticed.

"It's just a precautionary measure. By bed rest, I mean restricting heavy activities, you don't have to stay on bed all day. Move around when you feel comfortable and don't get stressed, it is really bad for your baby and also for you. Also, eat healthy. Healthy, not plenty. Don't stuff food down your throat, eat little portion in small intervals."

" I am prescribing some vitamin tablets and also one product which you mix with water or milk, I would recommend milk, it tastes better that way and this pamphlet will help you understand the dos and don'ts of pregnancy." doctor said, giving them the priscription and a pamphlet.

"Thank you doctor." they left. Mr. Rojnapath went to the pharmacy for buying medicines whereas the ladies took the pregnant male to fill his tummy with food.

And there started a new chapter in his life...

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