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make up and break up

Aaliyah was extremely exhausted returning to Dortmund, she slipped the key into the lock and enter her shared apartment.

There was no noise. Erica had been staying at her family home due to an emergency and Aaliyah had completely understood her situation. She flopped to the sofa, her body was aching and her stomach was full and bloated.

Before she had left, Jamal had come to drop off some breakfast and wished her goodbye. She was grateful that she'd met him, he truly cared for her as if she was his younger sibling.

Aaliyah replied to Jude's message asking if she was coming and although she wanted to say no she knew that they eventually see each other. But she was way too tired to move and go outside so she'd asked him to come to her apartment instead.

Aaliyah hopped into the shower and quickly finished as she dried her body.

Slipping into her two piece satin pyjamas, she wrapped her dressing gown around her petite body and waited for him to arrive. She was very much ready to sleep, so once he left she knew she was turning to her bed.

Jude knocked on the cream door as the girl stood in front of him. He didn't know where to keep his eyes, to be honest. Her long melanated legs were on display, they shone a little as he could recognise they were smooth.

She spoke breaking the silence "Sorry, I'm just tired from yesterday and can't really move. Come in." She gestured to the sofa. "Don't know if your expecting this but this the best you're gonna get."

"It's fine, how you Marie?"

She screwed Jude, "Why are you calling me that? Just call me what you normally call me." She was confused.

"What? It's not illegal to call you Marie, is it?" He challenged Aaliyah, but she wasn't the type to challenge.

"Bro, if you want to argue with me. Just leave. I'm not playing." She angrily said, placing a glass of water in front of him.

"My bad, it's only Jamal who can call you that." He snarled, he was jealous and it was evident through his tone although Aaliyah couldn't pick that up. She thought he was being aggressive to the girl.

"Yeah, well done. You finally got something right." She mumbled but it was loud enough for him to hear and that was a couple words which he didn't expect to hurt him.

"Aaliyah, look I didn't come here to argue with you. Instead of fixing things, here we are arguing and bickering."

"We wouldn't be here arguing if it wasn't for you Jude."

"Look, I'm sorry. I don't know how many times I have to apologise to you. I didn't mean to stand you up, it's just my ex—" He spoke, before he was cut of by Aaliyah who couldn't believe what she was hearing.

"Another girl was why you couldn't come? And you're telling me this when you could just simply leave."

"Liyah, let me explain. Please, don't interrupt me." He sighed, he didn't want to lose his temper but he understood why she was angry. "I broke up with my ex like five months ago, she cheated on me. Yeah, I know. For some reason, she was in Germany and she came like after the match probably four ish. She said she wanted to get back together."

Aaliyah asked, "Do you?" She remembered Jamal had told her to listen to him hence why she let him speak.

He shakes his head, "No, otherwise I wouldn't be in your house trying to fix things." He looked at her directly in her eyes. "I told her to leave, the concierge must've let her up. I probably forgot to remove her name from the list. Dealing with that gave me a headache so I went to bed and missed the date. That's all."

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