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Aaliyah's head was pounding as she intensely opened her eyes welcomed by the harsh light and the sound of beeping, which only further infuriated her mind.
She looked at the striped walls as she squinted, barely able to open her eyes since she was so tired. Internally, it felt like her body was at war with her feeling weak as if her entire body was slowly deteriorating away like her flesh was gnawing away.

"What the hell am I doing here?" She said, before a nurse came rushing by her side. "What am I doing here?" She demanded, pushing up her body as she rested her head on the thin layer headboard pushing a braid away.

The nurse calmly responded, "Ma'am, stop moving! You need to rest, you need some fluids. Drink some water." She passed her a cup of water, which Aaliyah willing took.

"What am I doing here?"

"You don't remember anything?" She asked as Aaliyah nodded no. "You got spiked at the club."

"Club? Where's my boyfriend?"

"He's at the police station, we just directed him minutes ago. He should be back."



theshadeborough; Reports hear that Aaliyah Marie Rock, also more famously known as footballer Jude Bellingham's girlfriend is in hospital for a botched BBL

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theshadeborough; Reports hear that Aaliyah Marie Rock, also more famously known as footballer Jude Bellingham's girlfriend is in hospital for a botched BBL. Reports hear she flew out to Turkey and is now currently recovering, sources heard Jude paid for it.


6kenza; keep her in your prayers guys and stop being negative!

user17; as if she needs it...
—) user23; nah she small af
—) user09; y'all need something better than commenting on ppl's body💀

treyrock; my fucking sister didn't get no bbl, you guys are so fucking jobless you'd hear the blonde bitch who fed you this lies. how about you jobless yats get a real job and stop speculating on people's private life???
❤️liked by 10k and others

nellarose; this is disrespectful af.

post has now been deleted

Jude came rushing in with deep worry etched onto his face and a black bag clad with food in. Once he set his eyes on Aaliyah, he breathed a sigh of relief and dropping the black bad on the chair beside her bed.

Jude panicked instantly when he saw all the machines attached to her, "Liyah! Liyah, are you okay?! Why didn't you tell me Daisy was there?" Jude sat beside her.

Furrowing her eyebrows, she looked at him wondering what he meant. Honestly, the event was a blur to her.
"What do you mean? I don't remember. All I remember is me and Mia together, I didn't see her. Why are you mentioning her and why am I in the hospital Jude?" She croaked, tears filling her eyes as she clasped his left hand as he wiped her tears away with his right hand.

"I'm sorry Liyah, I'm sorry. She spiked you guys, the doctor said you're going to be okay but you need to recover. I'm sorry I've somehow involved you in this, I really mean it. Honest to God maybe life would be better for you if you never met me." He said, gently stroking her arm.

"Stop, just take me home Jude."

Jude sighed at her request, "I can't Liyah, you have to stay here. I'm going to stay with you." He promised her, giving her a weak pinky promise.

"What about training? Jude, you can't miss it. The final is in a week and a bit." Aaliyah was selfless, she knew how much it meant for him and how excited he was. His first huge final, she was even so excited to see him play in Istanbul.

Jude spoke with an assertive tone, "Aaliyah, it's one training session. I already told the club, I also flew your mum out because I know she's worried."

A couple days after the event, it had felt like whirlwind. Things were moving quickly, Daisy had been arrested after statements from everyone and poor Haaland was completely unaware of what she was capable. Statements after statements, the police had complied the evidence needed through the tapes and her search history to know everything they need to know. Justice had been served. Nobody was aware for how long she was going to jail for but as long as she was there, most things would be fine.

Aaliyah was recovering, although it had left her with mental scars she was recovering extremely fast and was soon to be back to her normal healthy self in two days. Her mum had made sure she was eating well and drinking well, as they often occupied themselves with conversations or tv series. Jamal was also in touch with her, often phoning her and facetiming her. Most of all, Jude had been bringing her continuous gifts and checking up on her at any given second he had to spare through messages or just sitting with her in a comfortable silence or putting her to bed comfortably.

Aaliyah spoke out after the episode of Empire had just finished, "I'm coming to your game." She looked at him with wide eyes and a small smile on her face. The first smile he'd seen on her face in a couple days.

"You can't, I don't want you to put you through more trouble. What happens if you get overwhelmed?" Jude said, biting his lower lip anxiously as he watched Aaliyah's face frown. "You know I love when you're at my games, it makes me feel safe and happy that you're there but..."

"But what? But, suddenly I'm made out of glass because your shit ex girlfriend drugged me! I don't get it, I'm going to be with your family and my family!"

Jude's face turned into a frown, he didn't want her to get upset but she was right. To him, all of this was his fault. He didn't know what to do, he didn't know what to say.

"We'll think about it Liyah, you know all I genuinely want is for you to be safe and healthy right now. And yes, it was all my fucking fault. Don't get me wrong, I know that. I know that. You think, I like seeing you like this right now. No, I don't. I'd love for you to be there, you with my shirt on!" It felt the volume was intensifying each time as they both spoke.

Aaliyah cuddled her knees and closed her eyes, "I'm sorry. I keep blaming you when I shouldn't. It isn't fair on you, it's just that I've been in a bed for the last four days just popping pills. I know how much this game means to you and all I feel like is that I'm just dragging you along with me, I want to see you play. I want to shout "Go Jude!" and I want to see you smile at me when you score."

"How about we stop arguing? If you're okay in the next couple days, you can go but I'm going to make sure you have extra security if that's fine?"

Aaliyah nodded, "That's fine. I need some air, can we go on a walk?"

"Let's go." Before they both exited hand in hand, trailing the streets of Germany.

ig; laiicarti for the ppl who wanna interact with me💘💕💝

you guys have been nagging me for a new chapter, i don't know about the next. give me time 😭.
can't lie, this chapter makes me feel a bit sad. aaliyah's character is so different and can't lie i don't know why i've written her like this but yeah. anyways, on another note england are out and i woke up thinking damn.

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