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waking up next to you

Aaliyah's small body was pulled in closer by the strength of a large hand which radiated heat keeping her warm and comfy. She remembered of the night she shared with Jude after they made up, they'd spent a couple hours watching a movie and then fell asleep together.

Jude nuzzled his face into her neck as Aaliyah laughed as it tickled her.

"Judey, you're tickling me." She shifted to face his face, tracing his bone structure as she glided her arm around his soft skin. The corners of his face lifted up from her touch, as he groaned and opened his eyes to look Aaliyah in the face.

"Morning beautiful." His voice was low and raspy created Aaliyah to shyly smile, "Look at you being all shy on me."

Aaliyah laughed, "No, your voice is kind of sexy when you wake up." Aaliyah was being truthful with him as he broke out in laughter bringing her an inch closer to him, she hadn't forgotten how he placed his lips on her body effortlessly like she was his home. It was hot. She could feel every place where he left an imprint on her.

"I wish you knew how dangerous you are, any guy would want you." He played with a strand of her hair as he'd thought about how he'd casually let that slip out of his mouth. When the two weren't on talking terms, she had always remained on his mind. She was impressionable, she didn't throw herself at him and she was stunning. She was the embodiment of energy.

"If there's anyone who's dangerous, it's you. You don't think I don't notice the amount of stares you get?" Aaliyah looked at him.

"I'm a footballer in Germany, so yes they do." He said, as he rolled out of the bed and removing any warmth from the bed. "Come on, let's get breakfast for two since you have classes later and I need to get your dress."

She scoffed, "Wait, you was being serious on the dress?" She shook her head in disbelief at his adamance on going out tonight.

"Do you think I'm going to let another man steal your time again? Fuck no." He said, as he pecked her forehead and informed her that he would come pick her up since he was going to his place. "By the way, how do you like your dresses? I can't believe you have me going to go get a dress."

She laughed, "Uh, boobs out. Everything out." She watched his expression before bursting out laughing again. "I'm joking!" As he threw his jacket playfully at her shaking his head at the comment.

Aaliyah walked out the shower, wrapping the white towel around her as she applied her favourite cocoa butter lotion on herself.

Picking something casual out the wardrobe, Aaliyah dozed herself in perfume before hearing the knock on the door and seeing Jude with a bouquet of flowers and a huge smile.

"How nice of you for once." She giggled, taking the flowers and placing them in a vase. "Don't think I forgot about last time, I'm not letting you off lightly."

He sighed, "I promise, you really do drive me insane sometimes. If I hear one more word about last time Liyah, I might have to drink bleach."

"Okay okay, get your fat ass out sir." Aaliyah grumbled, dragging his arm along as she locked the door behind her as the two clambered into his car and headed to have breakfast.

They sat seated, the place quiet enough but loud enough for conversation.

Aaliyah sighed, "You know I have like loads of questions for you so I'm going to begin."

"Fine but it goes both ways."

She nodded, "So, how many serious relationships have you been in?"

"One, the last one. 3 years, broke up cause she cheated. What about yourself?"

"Two relationships I'd say, each one and half years. Broke up with them cause one I just lost feelings for and the other one was a weirdo."

"Weirdo being?"

"Wanted to do things that I didn't want to. Next, how many siblings do you have?" Aaliyah quickly changed the subject as she felt uncomfortable bringing up the situation and thought he'd look at her differently.

"One younger. Jobe. How about you?"

"Two older brothers called Trey and Kai and my younger sister is Sienna." She said, sipping on her drink. "Favourite animal?"

"Odd question. Lions, you know they remind me of strength or something. Like the leader of the pack, the captain."

The rest of the date was smooth, the two of them laughing and enjoying each other's company. Time flew when they were with each other and they'd both loved learning about the other.

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