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4 years later

No missed calls, no messages. Not even a happy birthday message, just simply the two finished. But even though Aaliyah and Jude hadn't spoken in almost four years, Aaliyah always was reminded off him through her son. Or as she should say their son. Armani. She didn't mean to have Armani and she was so sure that she'd been careful but when she'd found out she was pregnant, her heart shattered into pieces. But she was one for abortion, God let her create life and who was she to determine to kill one's innocent life.

With support of her family and closest friends, Aaliyah's pregnancy remained a secret for the whole duration and she simply dropped off the grid. Keeping a secret from Jude, the boy who no longer wanted her in his life let alone the thought of him trying to raise Armani.

Fast forward today, Aaliyah had been living in Germany knowing it was Jude free and Armani's fourth birthday.

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15 mins ago

"Hi uncle Jam Jam, I miss you!" said Armani, Aaliyah's far too energetic toddler shouted down the phone on FaceTime

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"Hi uncle Jam Jam, I miss you!" said Armani, Aaliyah's far too energetic toddler shouted down the phone on FaceTime. Armani resembled both of his parents, he looked like Aaliyah a lot more but had Jude's personality.

"Happy birthday Armani! I miss you too. Armani, when are you coming to see me?"

"Mummy, when are we watching uncle Jamal play? He's so cool!"

"Jamal my son is driving me crazy, please take this stinky boy away from me!"

"I'm not stinky mummy! Uncle Jam Jam, mummy's being rude to me!"

"Your mummy's just jealous you like me more than her! Marie, why don't you come at the last game? Trey and Kai said they're coming so you're bound to see them."

"Yeah, I guess it's time to stop trying to hide Armani from the world. Plus, I'm tired of being in the stands and trying to tame him. You're going to look after him though."

"Does that mean we're going mummy to uncle Jam's game?"

"Yes Armani, you're coming to my game! Make sure you put my birthday boy in my shirt!"

Hours later, Aaliyah was walking into the stadium with Armani, Trey and Kai. Armani and Aaliyah were living near Jamal for the last couple of years, Germany provided opportunities for Aaliyah whilst looking after Armani. England just reminded her of her depressing summer and a whole lot of crying.

All of them were in their Bayern shirt with Musiala on the back, Aaliyah was glad she came since Jamal's parents were on holiday and he didn't have anyone else in the country. Jamal's parents loved her too and they loved Armani as well like that was their own grandson.

Armani loved Jamal a lot, Jamal always made time for them and managed to spoil him in gifts. Although one time Armani asked if Jamal was his dad and Aaliyah had to shut that one real quick. He was curious but she simply told him he didn't have a dad.

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