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champions league final

As Jude had promised Aaliyah, here she was at the stadium with security surrounding her, her family and Jude's family. Everyone had already met prior to this to make matters easier so it wasn't awkward at all, Aaliyah's brothers were keeping a firm eye on her and Jobe was also constantly making sure she was okay.

On first impressions, Aaliyah didn't know how Jobe was going to be around her, she didn't want him to feel awkward or uncomfortable but he was bubbly whenever with his family and quiet with everyone else. From what Jude had told her, she could see he was trying his best to make her feel welcome and she appreciated that greatly.

Onto more important things, she felt nervous for Jude.
This was his biggest game of his career so far, he'd been dreaming of the trophy since forever. Truly, Aaliyah was putting a brave face on hoping he didn't worry too much about her and focus on his game but that didn't stop her worrying for him.

"Aaliyah, do you want a drink?" asked Jobe breaking her from her trance, the atmosphere was becoming more and more intense as the minutes clocked down as a sea of yellow and black filled one side of the stadium with the other being bright blue.

"Uh, yes please. Orange, if that's okay!"

Jobe simply nodded before returning with a couple drinks for everyone else as Aaliyah quickly shot him a "thanks".

Kick off was brewing ahead as the players walked out onto the pitch and everyone turned their eyes onto the pitch, Aaliyah's eyes roamed for Jude's presence and once she found him her heart lightened a bit as he looked up instantly locking eyes. And once Jude locked his eyes with Aaliyah, there was no looking back for him as he waved at his family and blew Aaliyah a kiss grinning widely.

As always the match started with tenacity, the oohs and ahs filled the stadium as Manchester City came close to scoring but just one attack went the other Dortmund were quick on the counter with the ball at Jude's feet as he slotted the ball to Jadon's feet.

When the ball met Jadon's feet, it was always magic. As he calmly nutmegged De Bruyne, Rodri came in with a flying tackle much to everyone's worry as Jadon winced.

Trey rose to his feet immediately and shouted, "Ref! How's that not a red?! He's literally took him out!" Boos rang around the stadium as we all waited to see if Jadon was able to carry on, this was one reason why I didn't like football. I sat looking at Jadon praying he was okay as he attempted to straighten his leg and when the physio nodded to him he rose to his feet before carrying on. She could tell that he probably either lied or was playing through the pain, for all of them this match was special to them.

The whistle blew for half time and neither side had scored, everyone was constantly on the edge of their seats anytime a chance arose.

"I can't take this anymore, this is making me SO nervous!"

"I'm sure our boy gonna secure that win, sit back and enjoy."

Fresh faces stepped onto the pitch, the match was approaching the 70th minute and finally the deadlock had been broken. Who else would it be? Haaland, obviously.

Rewind to seconds before and a couple passes later with a beautifully whipped ball into the box from Jude and perfectly placed for Haaland to hatch onto made it a goal to nil. The fans sang in response, boosting up the teams morale further with Man City's players losing confidence. Sloppy passes, anger slipping to tackles and hopes and dreams collapsing right in front of their eyes.

As the clock ticked down with the time wasting, Aaliyah jumped out of her seat when Jude slipped the ball into the net and screams spilled out from here as she celebrated with her brothers and Jude's mum Denise who she truly loved.

When the final whistle blew, streams of players ran onto the pitch with them all cheering and hugging one another. Fireworks blasting around from the arena as they watched along with confetti spraying from above as the trophy rose high above to the sky and champagne spilled as the night came to a close with smiles across their faces.

But smiles weren't lasting for long with a storm brewing ahead...

authors note;
hey guys, it's been ages! im free from the shackles of my exams until results day but whatever.
anyways here's a short update, i forgot how this writing thing goes so bare in mind the rubbish writing and let me get to my standard again! im trying my best as usual, love you guys lots!

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