Not Home Alone and Ladybug Cupcakes || Chapter 43 ||

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Organising to have my friends stay over was the easy part, hiding my excitement from my father and Marie was another thing. They were leaving in a few minutes and soon Adrien, Nino, Alya, Marinette and Chloe were arriving. I was still a little unsure on Chloe but I could see that she really was trying, besides you can never have enough girl friends.

"Alright, you know the deal?" Dad asked, double checking that I was going to be fine on my own. I gave him a soft smile as I nodded my head.

"Yes Papa, I have all the emergency numbers and I have Marinette and Adrien staying with me." I reminded him. It was cute that he was so worried, even if I'm about to turn sixteen.. It just shows that he cares about me. Marie closed the trunk of the car before walking over to us.

"Everything's loaded, we should hit the road if we want to make it before dark." She stated before smiling at me and getting in the car. Dad pulled me in for a tight hug that I happily returned. "It's alright Papa, you're only going to be gone a week."

"That's a week too long.. I love you." He said softly before pulling back to place a kiss on my forehead. I let my eyes close briefly to just enjoy the moment. "I love you too." I smiled as I watched him climb into the car. They were going to have a great time, it's almost like a holiday for them and I was going to have a bonding week with my friends.

I watched as their car drove off, offering a wave for them to see in the mirror before tucking a loose piece of hair behind my ear and turning to where Marinette was standing, holding a box of baked goods. "I didn't want to interrupt."

"You're fine, what have you got there?" I asked curious, attempting to lift the lid to peek inside but the raven-haired girl slapped my hand away before heading inside my house. I playfully pouted but followed behind her, hoping she was going to show me.

"I made the cupcakes we talked about last night." She stated, placing the box down and letting out a sigh of relief that she hadn't dropped them. I rose an eyebrow in confusion. "But Adrien's birthday isn't until tomorrow."

"But he's staying tonight, isn't he?" Marinette asked, raising an eyebrow. I shrugged lightly. "That depends on if his father lets him or if he can sneak out again."

"You know, when you said you wanted Ladybug cupcakes.. I was a little surprised." Marinette admitted with a small smile.

"Why? Ladybug is Adrien's favourite superhero." I said in confusion, tilting my head slightly. Though I did move closer to the cupcakes to get a peak at them. Marinette slapped my hands away leaving me to pout once again.

"I suppose it really shouldn't be a surprise to me.. he does like strong, confident women." Marinette grinned, playfully nudging me. A soft blush coated my cheeks as I smiled at her.

"Lucky fate gave him me then." I said embarrassed, playing with my hair.

Marinette's grin morphed into something a little softer while she watched me, leaving me confused. "What?"

"Nothing.. it's just I can see how happy you make each other. I was sad when I realised Adrien wasn't for me but I can't imagine anyone better for him than you." She said honestly, reaching for my hand.

I squeezed her hand with a bright smile. Her words meant everything to me and to know that she was fine with everything brought me happiness. I wasn't ever going to stop showing affection towards Adrien but knowing I wouldn't hurt Marinette with it anymore.. that was a bonus.

"I can't wait until we find your soulmate. They're going to adore you, I just know it."


"Riva! Everyone's here!" Marinette called out from downstairs. I quickly threw a clean shirt over my head and raced down the stairs. I'm incredibly grateful Marinette's clumsiness isn't rubbing off on me.

"Careful there Riva, we aren't going anywhere." Alya joked, making us all laugh. I greeted everyone with a hug, even Chloe which she seemed surprised by.

"I missed you." Adrien said softly. I smiled and pressed a kiss to his cheek. "You saw me yesterday.. I sure you can't have missed me that bad."

"You didn't write to me last night though." He pouted slightly. Damn, that's my one weakness and he knows it too.. I kissed him softly. "I'm sorry, Marinette and I had a sleepover."

"I'm glad you two are becoming such good friends." He grinned. I agreed with him. I never would've expected that the weird girl who could barely form a sentence would become one of my best friends.

"Are these cupcakes?" Nino asked, causing Marinette to run between him and the table. "Don't you dare. They aren't for you." She stated, staring him down. Nino held his hands up, showing that he wasn't going to touch them. "Damn Mari.. who knew you could move so fast without falling over."

"What are the cupcakes for if we aren't allowed to eat them?" Alya asked, trying to look around Marinette to see if she could get a peak.. even if they were still in the box.

"Well Adrien's birthday is tomorrow.. so Riva and I wanted tonight to be like a birthday party for him because we know his dad won't let him do anything." Marinette stated nervously.

Adrien grinned the biggest and the brightest I think I've ever seen before squeezing me in a tight hug. "You guys are the best!"

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