Sneaking Out and Sleepovers || Chapter 19 ||

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I laid with my head on Adrien's chest until my phone rang. I refused to answer it, causing Adrien to laugh and it rumbled in his chest. I smiled up at him. My phone rang once again and I groaned, sliding it out of my pocket and answering it.


"Riva? Where are you?"

"Papa! Oh geez" I quickly sat up, realising that I didn't end up going home. I sighed and ran my hand through my hair.

"Oh geez is right. Where are you?"

"Well you see, I've had a big day and I needed to make sure Adrien was okay"

"I know you've had a big day. I have a worried Nino, Alya and Marinette here who said they hadn't heard from you or Adrien since an attack at school. Are you okay? Are you with Adrien?"

"They're there? Yes Papa, we're okay. I'll be home soon, I promise"

"Bring Adrien with you. You can all stay here for tonight"

"All right Papa. I love you"

I hung up and turned to Adrien with a soft smile. He rose an eyebrow questioningly, looking between my phone and me. I chuckled lightly before standing and pulling him up with me.

"Nino, Alya and Marinette are at my house very worried about us. Plus, Papa has invited you all to stay the night." I explained, smiling at him. He smiled sadly down at me. I looked at him confused. Why would he look at me like that?

"I would love to Princess but my dad would never allow it" he said, scratching the back of his head while looking upset. I hated seeing that look on his face and crossed my arms before getting an idea. I smirked and grabbed the closest bag to me before going over to his wardrobe and pulling out some clothes and stuffing them in the bag.

"He doesn't have to know" I told him, throwing a grin over my shoulder as I stuffed the last of the clothing in his bag. I put some of his school stuff in it as well before turning and handing it to him. He didn't seem too keen on the idea of sneaking out.

I turned back to his desk and grabbed a pen, writing a large note on the piece of paper.

' I'm safe. I've gone to a friend's '

I showed Adrien the note before putting it on his bed and grabbing my bag, slinging it over my shoulder. This'll be fun. Adrien finally perked up and grinned, flashing me that famous smile. I grabbed his hand and we made our way down to the first floor.

"We can use the back door and climb the fence. It'll be hard to get over the fence though" Adrien said aloud, planning in his head. I nodded and let him drag me towards the back door. Adrien shut it quietly behind us and gave me a smirk. I rolled my eyes playfully and walked over to the fence. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Throw me" I stated. Adrien looked shocked before hesitantly nodding. He crouched and laced his fingers together. I nodded and placed my foot in his hands. He quickly stood up, lifting his arms over his head and throwing me up the wall. I grabbed onto the ledge and pulled myself up before turning around and looking at Adrien who tightened his bag around him and nodded at me. He ran at the wall and kicked off it, reaching his hand out. Oh geez. I caught his arm, pulling him up and I fell off the other side into a bush. Adrien looked over the top of the wall and down at me stuck in the bush before laughing. He dropped himself down and continued laughing before helping me out of this bush.

I pouted as we started walking towards my house. I paid attention to everything Adrien said, noticing some similarities in the arm movements both he and Chat use. I mean, it's possible that Adrien could be Chat Noir, right? That's probably my head being ridiculous and wanting the two people I like to be the same one so I don't feel as bad.

I opened my front door and was greeted by the sight of my dad and friends waiting for me. Adrien and I both beamed, before everyone charged at us and formed a group hug. Adrien was the happiest I had seen him and my stomach fluttered, causing a blush to form on my face.

"I've put the mattresses on the floor in your room and you can borrow my tv for tonight" dad said, smiling down at me. I hugged him tight before telling everyone to follow me. We all made it to my room and saw the two mattresses on the floor and the tv sitting on my usually empty stand.

I told them where to put their stuff and we all sat on the mattresses, getting ready to talk. Most likely about today. I kind of wanted to forget that parts of today happened. I knew Adrien was alive and well but I couldn't stop the images of him falling from running through my mind.

"What the hell Riva? You just took on Volpina on your own" Nino stated, waving his arms around. I went to open my mouth to defend myself but the stern look on Nino's face told me not to.

"You threw your shoes at her!" he exclaimed, pointing down to my feet. I grinned sheepishly and wiggled my toes which caused Adrien to laugh. I winked at him playfully. Nino rounded on Adrien.

"And you! You just disappeared and let us all believe you were dead or something" Nino said, getting emotional. I stiffened slightly and turned away from everyone, hugging my knees. Adrien explained that he was actually trapped in a broom closet by Volpina as it was a part of her plan.

"Riva?" Alya asked softly, making me look at her and fake a small smile. She stared me down but I didn't drop my guard. I don't want them worrying about me, not over something so stupid. Nino was laughing at Adrien's day spent in the broom closet.

"Sounds like Riva had a more exciting day than all of us put together" he cried out in between laughter. I didn't say anything and just stared at Nino with a blank face.

"Actually, from what Riva said, her day was terrible but I want to know how your day was" Adrien said, steering the conversation away from me, letting them know that I had a bad day and that I don't want to talk about it.

"Well when Nino wasn't worrying over you two, he managed to be very romantic and Marinette disappeared for a bit but we found her hiding" Alya explained causing me to giggle. Marientte flushed a dark red before trying to stammer out an excuse but ended up giving up.

Alya got up and turned the tv on, putting it onto the movie channel and surfing through the movies. There was action, horror, and romance. We all decided that we didn't practically like the categories but Marinette decided on romance.

We all set up where we were sleeping, luckily, we all fit. The order went: Alya, Nino, Marinette, Adrien and then myself. We all had pillows and Alya, Nino and Marinette had their own sleeping bags. That left Adrien and I sharing my blanket.

The romance movie was as cliché as it could get. Marinette stared at the screen with her hands on her cheeks, with a dreamy look on her face. The girl was in love with the idea of love. I smiled at the sight of her. Alya and Nino kept to their quiet conversation, occasionally looking up to the movie and Adrien seemed into the movie but I couldn't focus on it.

I wrapped myself up in my blanket like a burrito, lying face down on the floor. The blanket was lifted off my head and I looked up, seeing Adrien smiling down at me.

"Come on, hiding away isn't going to make the movie any better" he muttered quietly to me. I snorted in amusement but unravelled myself anyway. I sat back on my spot on the mattress and Adrien threw the blanket over our heads, catching me by surprise. He pulled out his phone and opened up Snapchat, turning on the front flash before scooting closer to me and pulling a face. I chuckled and pulled a face as well.

We took many selfies on both his and my own phone before Alya threw the covers off us and saw us taking selfies.

"Oh, thank god. I thought something inappropriate was happening under these covers. It was moving and there was giggles" Alya stated, covering her heart. Both Adrien and I laughed but blushed darkly.

"Alya! My sweet little Riva isn't like that, she hasn't even kissed somebody!" Nino said, faking shock. He placed a hand over his heart just like Alya.

"Well that isn't exactly true Nino"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now