Rainy Day and A Stalker? || Chapter 23 ||

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The walk to school was nice and calming until it had started raining. I groaned in annoyance and pulled my jacket around me tighter, increasing my pace. I wanted to get to the school faster without slipping over, either way, I was soaked through.

"Hey, wait up!" a voice called out. I stopped and turned around, seeing a boy with brown hair run over to me with an umbrella. He offered me a friendly smile and let me take shelter under his umbrella.

"What's a pretty girl like you doing in the rain?" he asked, raising an eyebrow slightly at me. Wow, he's upfront. Most boys are shy. Or at least the boys I know are. So, I guess I was slightly taken back.

"I'm going to school" I said politely, ignoring him would be rude and could cause all sorts of issues for me. I felt this boy staring at me and tried my best not to show my irritation. I couldn't snap at him, I mean he's gone out of his way to make sure I wasn't getting any wetter.

"I'm Anthony" he greeted. I nodded and offered a kind smile. Forced but kind nonetheless. I was silently wishing that the school would hurry up and appear, just so I could get away from this boy. He was giving me the creeps and all the hair on the back of my neck stood on end.

When the school was in front of us, I went to rush into the school but a hand on my wrist stopped me. Panicked, I looked down and saw Anthony holding it. I shot him a confused look.

"I've been watching you since you got here. You're beautiful" he said, pulling me in and kissing my forehead. My eyes widened in shock.

"HEY" a familiar voice shouted. I pulled away,shoving him from me at the same time as Adrien called out. I stared this guy down. Normal people don't stalk others and they certainly don't confess it to them. What is wrong with this guy?

He looked at me, an annoyance burring in his eyes. Great, I probably just made another akuma but I can't just let him decide he wants to be intimate with me. I narrowed my eyes ever so slightly before turning around and walking into the school.

I was cold and wet, leaving me miserable on top of angry and kind of scared. I felt like what I can assume a cat would look like after a bath. Chloe's laughter could be heard and I rolled my eyes, not wanting to come into contact with her today. But knowing my luck, that's exactly what'll happen.

"Who was that guy out the front? Your boyfriend or something?" Adrien asks, standing on my right and looking at the ground with a glare. I shook my head and chuckled darkly and unamused.

"Actually, I think he confessed to being my stalker. How weird is that?" I questioned, once again confused at the confession. Who is like '' hey we've never met but you're beautiful and I've been watching you ''?

Adrien looked a mix between wanting to laugh or yell. The look itself was slightly amusing but I didn't want to risk angering the boy further, so I left it and walked into class.

It turns out I'm not the only one to have gotten caught out in the rain. Marinette was wet, Kim and Alix were soaked. I was jealous of Nathanael who looked toasty warm in his dry clothing. I pouted and sat next to him, giving him a playful glare which cause him to laugh.

"Look at all the drowned rats who are too poor to get a ride to school" Chloe said to Sabrina when they walked in. I headbutted my desk, groaning loud enough for the entire class to hear. Apparently, this was funny as a few snickers were heard.

I don't understand why Chloe must go out of her way to make everyone around her miserable. As if this weather wasn't doing that already. Class seemed to drone on and on, making myself and others around me bored, cold and still slightly wet.

When class was dismissed for lunch, Nino, Alya, Marinette and Adrien were all by my side, pulling out some karate moves. I laughed and looked at them with confusion. What on Earth are these dorks doing? Just as I went to open my mouth, Marinette cut me off.

"A-Adrien said you had a stalker. W-We're your new b-bodyguards!" she exclaimed, punching her fist out. I rose my eyebrows in surprise and gave them an appreciative smile. How did I end up with such great friends? Honestly?

It also turns out that Alya wanted to go out to lunch off campus and they decided that my safety was of upmost importance. Though secretly I think Nino and Alya just wanted to pretend to be spies. Marinette was on high alert, constantly checking behind us and Adrien never left my side and if he did he never went more than a few paces away.

I expected this behaviour from him but everyone else was surprising. We returned to the little café the boys first took me to and I grinned, squealing, and clapping my hands together. This place would forever be somewhere dear to me as I became friends with everyone here.

We grabbed a table inside against the window so Adrien could observe the surroundings. The idea made me internally roll my eyes. The poor boy is going to be paranoid forever. I sighed, placing my elbow on the table and my chin in my hand. I never should've told Adrien that Anthony is apparently stalking me.

But then I also didn't want Adrien thinking I was seeing someone else either. No matter how I looked at this, it was a lose/lose situation.

"Stop glaring out the window, I can see him too" I muttered, not looking at the blonde on my side. Adrien groaned in annoyance but turned towards the conversation at the table. I turned my head and looked out, seeing Anthony across the road. He gave me a shy smile and a little wave.

Is he becoming more obvious now that he told me or is he getting bolder? Whichever it is, I'm not comfortable having him around.

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