Late and Questioning || Chapter 41 ||

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((God, I am so so sorry about how long it's been since an update. Life has been crazy but I managed to write this. It's not as long as other chapters but it's something. I would like to thank each and every one of you who has supported both me and this story so far, it means so much. Once again, I'm super sorry about the wait.))

A phone ringing woke both Marinette and myself, causing both of us to reach for our phones half asleep. Marinette answered her phone and I fell back into bed, trying to wake up. What time was it? It was light outside so it was morning and it was raining, but that didn't tell me anything.

"It's 9:30am?!" Marinette yelled as she jumped out of bed. I sighed and rubbed my face before crawling out of bed, we're late for school, great. I walked over to my wardrobe and threw my raven-haired friend some clothes to change into while she was still onto the phone to who I'm guessing is Alya. I have no idea how Alya was calling in the middle of class, but she always managed something that amazed me.

"Mari, I love you but I'm not awake enough to deal with this much panic" I said, throwing my hair into a ponytail and giving her an amused smile. She took a deep breath and calmed down for a moment before nodding my way, signalling she was alright. I handed her her backpack before we head off for school.

During the walk I couldn't help but notice Marinette's anxiety. She really cared about school and felt bad about missing it. I linked my arm with hers, giving her a bright smile when she looked at me questioningly. She smiled softly and thanked me.

The walk to our classroom seemed to make even me nervous. I pushed open the door, immediately apologising for being late and stating my alarm didn't go off. The teacher, who I didn't know, didn't say much just that we had to take our seats. The class was abnormally loud today. Marinette and I parted ways to take our seats.

"Who is that?" I asked Nathanael, gesturing towards the teacher. He was sitting at the desk up the front with the lessons written on the board behind him but he was too busy on his computer for anything else. The red head shrugged his shoulders before saying it was a substitute.

I took down the notes that were on the board but that didn't take long, leaving me with nothing else to do for the rest of class. I could now understand why it was so loud, everyone was bored. A quick glance around the room saw that everyone was talking or joking around, even Marinette had joined Nino and Alya's conversation. Something that did surprise me though was the fact that Adrien and Chloe were talking, and they both seemed to be enjoying it. What was going on there?

"I don't know what's going on there but they had a pretty big talk this morning" Nathanael stated, seeing what I was looking at. I shrugged and turned to him with a forced smile on my face.

"Adrien can talk to whoever he wants, I'm not his mother. Plus she was his friend, I don't want to get in the way of that" I explained. Okay, sure I may have 'marked my territory' when I kissed him in front of everyone but that was because Chloe was trying to claim something that wasn't hers. Adrien was/is her friend and I have no right to get in the way of that.

Doesn't mean that it felt good watching them laugh together. Nathanael bumped me and handed me a pencil, allowing me to draw with him. It wasn't anything exciting, just little doodles littered across the page in his sketchbook but it took my mind off of the front of the room, plus I got to spend time with my friend.

"I think I'm crushing on someone..." Nathanael whispered, it was so soft I almost missed it. I smiled brightly and looked at him happily but he seemed nervous, biting at his lip. I put my hand on his shoulder in support.

"You don't have to tell me who or even anything about them but I'm happy for you"

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz