Ship Names and OT3's || Chapter 11 ||

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Getting up the next morning was easy. I had a lot to look forward to and I was still happy that dad had finally managed to get a job. He was working at the Kidz+ television network. He'd be out a lot, trying to help keep the station running but I didn't mind.

I pulled some jeans on and a baggy white shirt. My ankle boots were always my go to shoe and so I pulled them on as well. I quickly braided my long auburn hair, letting it sit on my right shoulder. Gorgeous. I blew a kiss to myself in the mirror and chuckled, rolling my eyes. Perhaps Chat was starting to rub off on me.

I grabbed my handbag and walked downstairs, grabbing an apple from the kitchen and making my way out. Walking to school was always nice, the fresh air helped to clear your head. I threw my apple core into a bin and happily walked up to Alya and Marinette.

"Hey, how are you girls this fine morning?" I asked, shifting my handbag, and smiling happily at them. They both smiled back and I realised that this was probably the first time I'd be having a proper conversation with Marinette.

"Someone's happy this morning" the bluenette pointed out. Alya smiled and I laughed softly. I agreed, explaining that my father got a job.

"Though it is nice to actually talk to you. You know, instead of the 'uh I oh ah yeah' " I joked lightly, causing Marinette to blush darkly and Alya snorted with laughter. Marinette grumbled at us before immediately perking up and Alya smirked. I rose an eyebrow and turned around, seeing Adrien getting out of his limo.

I laughed and shook my head. His eyes brightened when he saw us and he waved enthusiastically. We all waved back, though we had to stop Marinette from continuing for another five minutes. This girl was in deep.

"I'll see you girls in class" I said, excusing myself and walking over to Adrien. He unexpectedly hugged me. I squeaked and slowly put my arms around him. Adrien and I were close but I didn't realise we were 'hugging in the morning as soon as we see each other' close.

"MY OTP" I heard Nino shout and the sound of things falling on the ground. Adrien and I pulled away, seeing Nino crash straight though Chloe and Sabrina. I flinched.

"NINO!" Chloe's shrill voice practically screamed as Nino tried his best not to fall down the stairs. Adrien laughed at his friend and Nino hunched over in front of us, breathing deeply. Geez, this boy needed to calm down.

"Riva you're killing me, you know? I can't deal" Nino stated, looking up at me. I covered my mouth and laughed lightly. Adrien looked thoroughly confused, which made the situation better. I scooped Nino up, putting my arm around his shoulder and walking off to class with him.

"Well Mr. I ship Riva with everyone, what are these ship names?" I asked, wanting all the information. I was not going to let this go on any longer without my input. Plus, it was always funny to stir up Nino.

"I uh well. I don't really have any. Maybe like Adriva or Riven?" He blushed darkly and turned away from me. I smirked and looked over my shoulder at a confused Adrien. I gave him a thumb up which confused him further.

"I do request the ship name for Chat and I to be Chaiva or maybe Beauty and the Beast" I joked, snorting to myself. An offended 'HEY' came from behind me and Adrien ran up to us.

"Chat is a very good looking superhero, thank you very much" he stated, quite certain on the matter. I rose an eyebrow at him questioningly and Nino looked confused as hell. I grinned and lent over to Nino's ear.

"OT3" I whispered, making him push me away and his face to glow red. Adrien looked unhappy with this.

"No, I don't need this right now. I'll see you in class" He whined, running off. I laughed so hard I had to grab Adrien's shoulder for support. The poor blonde looked incredibly out of the loop.

"Nino ships us but he also ships Chat Noir and I. I suggested an OT3" I barely got out between giggles. Adrien blushed darkly and looked away.

"Isn't that like a threesome?" he questioned, refusing to meet my eyes. I tried to stop the imagery but ended up blushing darkly as well.

"NO!" I shouted, hiding in my hands. Wow, today is going well. I could feel the embarrassment in my soul .

"An OT3 is just a ship with three people. God Adrien, I am never ever going to be able to look at you the same again" I cried out as we continued walking to class. Nino and Alya were talking quietly and Marinette looked at me questioningly. I must still be bright red. I shook my head, wanting to forget about it.

I quickly sat down next to Nathanael and put my head on the desk, whining. His quiet laughter was heard and I looked up at him pouting.

"Did you say something embarrassing again?" he joked and I slumped my shoulders, shaking my head. I didn't even do anything this time. It was all Adrien and his stupid perverted brain.

"No. It's all Adrien's fault" I whined but of course, Adrien heard and another offended 'HEY' was shouted across the class. Nathanael laughed loudly and I smiled gently. My phone buzzed and I pulled it out of my handbag.

We are talking about what happened between you and Adrien at lunch -Alya

Is Nino involved? -Riva


Fine -Riva

I pouted and slid my phone back into my handbag right as Ms. Mendeleiev walked in. Personally, she scared me. I shrunk a little in my chair as her cold eyes glanced around the classroom.

"Let's get started" she instructed, putting her books on her desk and walking over to the board. I put my elbow on the desk and rested my chin in my hand. At least school was going to be normal.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now