Ladyblog and Being Caught || Chapter 14 ||

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I ran to my computer, opening Alya's 'Ladyblog' and hoping for live feed. Come on Alya, don't let me down now. I just needed to know he was safe. It was ridiculous since he's been doing this for a while now and he's been fine, but I couldn't stop the small amount of panic.

Alya's blog was live streaming and I sighed in relief, watching the screen intensely. I grabbed my headphones, slipping them over my ears and plugging them in.

"We have a villain known as Destructor. His ability is like Chat Noir's. Anything he touches turns to dust, including people"

Alya's voice stated, informing the viewers. I gripped my chair's arm rests tightly, watching the superheroes fight against Destructor. Ladybug was using her yo-yo to both hit the villain and avoid being hit at the same time. Chat was attacking from Destructor's blindsides or whenever he wasn't paying attention to him.

I was proud to watch him fight, he moved with grace and a look of concentration was on his face that I'd never seen before.

"Ladybug just used her Lucky Charm! Hopefully it'll be enough"

Lucky Charm? I need to find out more about Paris' heroes. I kept watching as Chat distracted Destructor while Ladybug was looking around. What is she doing?

"Could you please hurry up Ladybug?"

Chat called out before Destructor grabbed his staff, disintegrating it. I sat closer to the screen, watching what happened. Chat looked upset and I could've sworn he pouted.

Ladybug set up a trap and had Chat run through it, making Destructor chase him. Once Destructor was caught, Ladybug pulled a badge off him and broke it.

She set everything back to normal and Chat got his staff back, making him incredibly happy. I sighed in relief and shut off my computer. I have nothing to worry about, Chat can and does handle himself well. He's a superhero for a reason.

I flopped back onto my bed, staring at the ceiling. I rolled over and grabbed a pen from my drawers and popped the lid off.

' You know, I hate seeing you leave but I love watching you go ;) '

I flirted, knowing I'd get a reaction. I waited patiently, knowing he had to get home before he'd see the writing on his wrist. I wonder what his reaction will be.

' I always knew I had a cute butt '

I laughed, snorting lightly into my blankets. Where does he find the things, he says? He honestly can't think of them. I drew a little guy that was laughing. I walked downstairs and sat on the kitchen counter, eating an apple.

I watched as Chat started drawing a paw print. I grinned and bit into my apple to hold it and started drawing a small kitten. My hand was grabbed, causing me to draw a line right across my arm. I snapped my head up, meeting the furious eyes of Marie. Oh no. I had messed up.

"What do you think you are doing?" she hissed, dragging me off the counter and making me drop my apple. Now I was double annoyed. She ruined my sketch to Chat and now she ruined my apple. I frowned unhappily at her and she just stared me down.

"What does it look like?" I asked, lifting my arm up. I forced her to look at the conversation that was happening on my arm. I noticed Chat's worried handwriting appearing on my arm. Marie grabbed my arm and brought me over to the sink. What is she doing?

The tap was turned on and my arm was shoved in and Marie started scrubbing. I cried out in both surprise and pain.

"Stop! Marie, no stop. Please stop!" I cried out, watching her wash away any trace of Chat from my arm. I couldn't stop the tears from running down my cheeks or the loud sobs escaping my mouth.

"This is foolish behaviour Riva! Your soulmate could be anywhere, stop giving yourself false hope" she said, finally allowing me to have my arm back. I hugged my arm to my chest and glared at her with all the hate I could muster.

Dad walked through the door and looked at us confused. Marie was glaring heatedly and I was a sobbing mess.

"It's not foolish! I found him, he's in Paris!" I shouted and she flinched back as if I physically hit her. My father stepped in between us, putting his hands out to calm us down and to try to find the underlying cause of this. Just as he opened his mouth to ask what was going on, I threw my arm out, showing him the red blotchy skin.

"She caught me writing to my soulmate and scrubbed it off" I stated, dad whipped his head to look at Marie who opened and closed her mouth before looking down. She knew she was wrong and under dad's heated look, she knew she messed up bad.

"You say he's in Paris?" he asked me calmly. I made a confirmation noise. He nodded slowly, putting things together in his mind.

"Go find him. Stay with him for tonight. I need to speak with Marie" he instructed. What? Just go stay with Chat? I don't know where he lives, I'm probably not even allowed to as I'm not allowed to know his identity. But dad wants me to stay with a boy? He must've taken my silence for confusion, which it was.

"He is the only other person in this world that I trust you with completely" He stated. That was enough for me. I nodded and ran up to my room, and packing some clothes into a bag. I grabbed a pen and quickly scribbled onto my arm.

' Chat, I need somewhere to stay. Is it possible to stay with you? '

I asked, knowing the answer was probably no but hoping anyway. I tapped the pen against my arm, waiting anxiously.

' I'm sorry but no. Though I can organise a place for you to stay tonight. What's the matter? '

I sighed, slightly in disappointment but also in relief. Even if I couldn't stay with him, he was organising a place for me to go. I knew I could count on him.

' Marie found out about you. She was less than impressed, she started scrubbing at my arm and dad's furious with her. He asked me to leave for the night and find you. '

I wrote back before slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking out. I blew a kiss to dad before walking out the door. Where the hell am I going?

' She what?! I've also found you a place to stay tonight '

Chat was angry and he had every right to be. Hell, I was angry and I don't think that'll stop anytime soon. I nodded my head and started walking.

' Thank you. Where am I heading? '

Knowing where I was going would probably be great before I walked too far one way and had to turn around and go back the other.

' Your friend Adrien Agreste. I've spoken to him and he's happy to have you '

I smiled thankfully and continued walking towards Adrien's place, trying to remember where he had said it was. It wasn't too far from the school but I was regretting not wearing a jacket as my simple shirt wasn't doing much to keep out the cold.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now