Confessions and Snapchats || Chapter 13 ||

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Chat walked me home, holding my hand and I couldn't keep the smile off my face the whole time. This was my boyfriend, my soulmate. He awkwardly stopped at my front door, looking around. I chuckled lightly and opened my door up wider.

"You're welcome here whenever. What's mine is yours" I told him honestly. He grinned at me with the slight tint of pink resting on his cheeks underneath the mask that hid his face. I would be lying if I said that I wasn't curious as to who was under there but I'd respect his privacy.

He slowly walked in and quickly ran upstairs to my room. I closed the door quickly and called out for him, running up the stairs. What is he planning? I stopped at my doorway and saw him laying on my bed with his eyes closed.

"Your bed is comfortable" he said softly, opening one eye, and looked at me. He looked so innocent and you could tell he was young. I smiled fondly at him, just admiring how well he fit in my room. I wandered over and sat down next to him, unable to make the smile go away.

Who knew that only after a couple of days, he would become my normal? I was no longer alone, I had someone to depend on whenever. I couldn't help but tear up at the thought. I had found him. My other half. Mum would be so proud. Dad would be so happy if I could tell him. Chat must've seen my eyes tearing up as he sat upright and turned to me.

"Hey, hey. What's the matter?" he asked, cupping my face and making me look at him. I stared into his big, green cat like eyes and laughed, surprising him greatly. I couldn't stop the happy tears from falling and I could see that he only grew more worried.

"I found you. I finally have you. I've waited my whole life for you and here you are. And you fit so perfectly and look so natural here. I'm so happy and Mama would be so proud. And you're real and you're here" I cried, smiling brightly up at him. I watched his worry melt away and was replaced with a happiness that radiated out of him. His eyes lit up into a shade of green I'd never seen before and I've never been more grateful to see something than this moment right now.

"God, you don't know how happy that makes me. Because you're not the only one. I'm not alone anymore and I know I can face any villain because I get to see your smiling face afterwards. I'm comfortable with you and it's the first place I've ever truly been comfortable since my mum left and I just....thank you Riva" he said quietly, placing his forehead against my own. I closed my eyes and just lived in the moment. I don't think I have ever smiled this much in my life.

I slowly wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him close to me. I felt his arms wrap around my waist and hold me tight, not wanting this moment to be over. I looked over his shoulder and saw the picture of my mother, sitting on my desk. I beamed at her and pulled away from Chat before walking over and grabbing the frame.

"This is my mother. She was my dad's soulmate and she used to tell me all these wonderful stories about them. It was her one wish for me in life to find mine." I said softly before handing Chat the picture. He gently took it from me and studied the picture, smiling fondly at her.

"She's beautiful" he stated, looking back up at me, and smiling softly. "You look like her" he pointed out. I smiled and nodded, biting my cheek in slight embarrassment. I had my mother's hair and nose. Well that's what my father said anyway.

Chat handed back the photo and I placed it back on my desk. I sat back next to Chat and pulled out my phone, going onto Snapchat.

"Do you want to freak out my friends?" I asked him, smirking. He looked surprised before grinning evilly and nodding, making his blonde hair bounce. I lifted my phone up, getting us both into the frame and snapping a photo. I saved it to my photos and sent it to Alya and Nino. Now que the questions.

Barely even a second later Alya's username popped up on my screen and I chuckled opening it, making sure Chat could see it. Alya face was red and Marinette looked genuinely confused. Along the screen read:


Chat laughed and I chuckled into my hand. Nino's username popped up and I laughed, waiting for a fanboy reaction. I opened it up and Nino looked stoked.


I snorted and shook my head. I went back to the camera screen and lifted the phone back up, holding it in front of my face. I snapped a picture right as Chat kissed my cheek. I blushed darkly and giggled. I saved the picture and wrote:

' Yes, Chat Noir is in my room '

I sent it to Alya and Chat stole my phone and held it up. I posed, doing a peace sign with one eye closed and he winked as he took the photo. He saved it before writing:

' Send us the link ;) '

"Chat! He's probably having a fanboy heart attack right now" I pointed out. My phone started ringing and I sighed, seeing Alya and Nino's icons appear. A groupcall. This should be embarrassing. Chat answered the call and put it on speaker.


"Well, you see little lady, Riva and I are quite close" -Chat

"Oh yeah. How close?" -Alya

"Very close but I'd prefurr to keep that a secret" -Chat


"RIVA!" -Alya

I stole the phone from Chat, flopping back onto my bed.

"He's kidding" -Riva

"Riva, you do know you can tell us anything right" -Nino

"Even juicy details about a certain blonde cat" -Alya

"Actually, I don't want to hear them" -Marinette

Chat crawled on top of me and smirked. I blushed and glared half-heartedly at him. Alya and Nino were fangirling loudly, Marinette was trying to calm them down and Chat kept smirking at me. He laid himself down so his head was on my chest and his knees were either side of my legs.

"Do they ever stop?" He mumbled, tilting his head to look up at me. I laughed and shook my head. A loud crash was heard and everyone went silent until faint screams could be heard. Chat stiffened.

"Chat. You're needed at the Eiffel Tower. Wait, Marinette!" -Alya

The line went dead and I sighed, dropping my phone onto my bed as Chat sat up. He smiled sadly at me before kissing my forehead and leaving out my window. I smiled as I touched my forehead. Please be safe, Chat.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now