School and Stars || Chapter 2 ||

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I woke up before my alarm, anxious about starting at a new school today. I'd be attending Collège Françoise Dupont, apparently, it's close to the Eiffel Tower. I swung my legs out of bed, wiggling my toes at the cold air that wrapped around my feet.

"I should've worn socks to bed" I muttered tiredly. I stretched and climbed out of bed, stumbling over to my wardrobe. What should I wear? I needed to make a good impression but I don't want to stand out too much. Oh, who am I kidding? I'm the new kid, of course I'll stand out.

A soft knock at my door caught my attention and I sighed before walking over and opening it. My father stood there, surprising me. He should've been out looking for work.

"I wanted to wish you good luck before I left" He said quietly before giving my forehead a light kiss. I sighed in content and smiled softly.

"Thank you, Papa" I spoke softly, watching him walk down the stairs. I closed my door and walked back over to my wardrobe. I went to grab a skirt when words on my right arm caught my attention. I looked down, paying it attention.

' Good morning R '

I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face. I walked over to my drawers, grabbing out a pen and popping the top off.

' Good morning to you, A '

I stripped off my clothes and slid the high waisted black skirt on. Now what should I pair with this? I grabbed a grey long sleeved shirt and tucked it into the skirt. Grey thigh high socks should keep the chill off my legs and black ankle boots went on my feet. It was casual but it looked nice. I shut the wardrobe doors and looked in my mirror, running my fingers through my messy hair. I groaned, annoyed with my hair and threw it up into a messy ponytail.

"That'll have to do, I'm out of time" I said to myself, throwing my phone, a couple of pens and a small notebook into a handbag and slung it over my shoulder. I ran downstairs, grabbing a pear on my way through the kitchen before I ran out the door, locking it behind me.

The walk to school shouldn't take too long, thankfully. I hadn't explored Paris yet and used this as my chance to look around my neighbourhood. From what I could see, Paris was a beautiful city.

It didn't take long before I heard laughter and conversations. I followed it, knowing the school was in that direction. Within a few minutes, I stood in front of a large building with kids everywhere. I swallowed nervously, not knowing if I could move my feet.

"Hey dudette!" Someone called out, placing a hand on my shoulder which caused me to jump and yelp out in surprise. I whipped around, looking at a boy with dark skin and headphones around his neck.

"Sorry I didn't mean to frighten you. I'm Nino" he said, sticking his hand out for me to shake. I chuckled and shook his hand.

"It's all right. I'm Riva" I introduced myself. Well that wasn't so bad, if I continued like this, making friends shouldn't be too hard. Nino and I seemed to get along with ease which helped put my mind at ease and conversation flowed easily.

"Nino! Hey man!" A voice called out, causing both Nino and I to turn around. Oh my. A tall blonde blonde boy with emerald green eyes approached. He was wearing a black shirt, a white jacket, and blue skinny jeans. Surely this boy was a model.

"Adrien, dude. This here is Riva. She's just moved from Nice" Nino introduced us. I smiled and waved shyly, feeling a light blush make it's way to my face. Adrien smiled warmly at me and stuck his hand out for me to shake. I put my smaller hand into his, giving it a shake.

"Well it's nice to meet you Riva. I hope to see you in class." He said. I grinned and nodded excitedly, hoping to be in a class with both boys. It'd be much easier if I knew some people in my class.

"Well I better go to Mr. Damocles to find out my classes. I'll see you guys later?" I asked, hopefully. Both boys brightened up and nodded, causing me to grin and run off waving.

Mr. Damocles office wasn't too hard to find on my own, plus I got to see a little more of the school. I lightly knocked on the door, my nerves starting to come back. A muffled 'come in' told me to open the door. I opened the door and walked in, standing in front of a big wooden desk.

"Ah Miss. Osment, I presume?" An old man with a grey beard and bushy eyebrows asked. I nodded, not finding my voice. He nodded before opening a file and sorting through a few pieces of paper, handing me one.

"These are your classes and your locker number and combination are at the bottom" he said, pointing to the bottom. I quickly read over my timetable and nodded slightly before looking up at him and smiling.

"Thank you, sir" I said politely and before leaving his office. Now I just have to find my classroom. How hard can that be? I found the principal's office easy enough.

Well apparently hard as I ended up being late to class. I groaned and knocked on the door before opening it and walking over to the teacher. The teacher looked over at me.

"You must be Miss. Osment" she stated. I nodded, fiddling with the hem of my skirt. I looked around the classroom and spotted Nino and Adrien at the desk in the front, both giving me some thumbs up. I shyly waved at them, which earned at scoff from a blonde girl with a pony tail at the desk opposite Adrien and Nino. I rose an eyebrow.

"You can take a seat up the back next to Mr. Kurtzberg" She instructed, pointing to a spare seat up the back. I quietly thanked her and walked up there, feeling a glare the whole way up. I sighed, guessing it was the blonde girl. What have I done to annoy her already?

A small star appeared on my left hand and I smiled down at it, before looking up and paying attention to the class.

With A Pen To My Arm || Adrien Agreste/Chat NoirWhere stories live. Discover now