2>Drinking buddies

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A Robloxian has spawned in a cold place, but where is he though?

???: Comrade Gromky!

The girl rushed to him and bear hugged him which caused him to lose some HP

Robloxian: [Bread lord save me]

???: Wait your not comrade Gromky.

Robloxian: [I need a medic!]

???: Oh sorry comrade...

Robloxian: [Fukarutz]

???: What?

Fukarutz: [Its my name :\] 

???: Oh sorry comrade I thought you said #### you.

Fukarutz: [Who are you tho?]

Gangut: My name is Comrade Gangut!

Fukarutz: [So where am I?]

Gangut: There is no "I" Comrade only "We", "Us", "Ours"!

Fukarutz: [Okay where are WE?]

Gangut: We are in our base, the Northern Parliament!

Fukarutz: [Okay?]

Gangut: You seem thirsty comrade, here have my Vodka!

Fukarutz: [Thanks?]

Fukarutz drank it only to start choking on it.

Fukarutz: [Bleh, its too strong for me]

Gangut: You will get used to it comrade!

Meanwhile... At the main base...

Robloxian1: [*Dying noises*]

Gromky: I think comrade is full!

Avrora: I think he is too, he already drank 45 bottles of Vodka.

Sovetskaya Belorussiya: He needs more Vodka to live!

Robloxian2: [Oof]

Kirov: Hello comrade, need Vodka?

Robloxian3: [Jesus Christ heeelp]

Robloxian4: [*Terrified screeching*] 

Tashkent: comrade have some Vodka, its good!

Robloxian1: [I am dying]

Robloxian5: [This is heaven... SO MUCH VODKA!]

Robloxian6: [I thought you were after girls.]

Robloxian5: [I'm not an odeer]

Kiev: Want more Vodka comrade?

Robloxian5: [HELL YEAH]

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