4> Royal Bonds

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Queen Elizabeth: Belfast, who is this?

Belfast: I do not know.

???2: [Hello]


Belfast: Hello who are you two?

DigBick708: [Digbick708]

Belfast: I see... then who is this?

Belfast points to the first robloxian who has the roblox cap along side with a black long sleeve which has a tag that says "Roblox" and he has black pants with black and white shoes.

DigBick708: [That's a Guest. Haven't seen one in a while.]


Belfast: Can "Guest" Talk?

DigBick708:  [No]

Queen Elizabeth: Okay BigDi-

DigBick708: [Big what?]

Queen Elizabeth: Ehem DigBick708 I meant.

Guest gives Belfast a mini sculpture of her in the background.

Belfast: Is this for me? Thank you very much.

Belfast smiles at her gift which is a sculpture of her.

Queen Elizabeth: Is there any more of your kind?

DigBick708: [210 million, but our total number is 383 million... dang that makes me feel lonely]

Queen Elizabeth: Why cant "Guest" talk?

DigBick708: [Guests are naturally mute, its like they have been gotten rid of the right to speak... and probably exist]

Queen Elizabeth felt sympathy for the guest who was attempting to communicate to Belfast. They both don't have something they want, for her its assets and for "Guest" his ability to speak.

Queen Elizabeth: okay B- DigBick708 how many "Guests" exist right now?

DigBick708: [I think he is a one and only person.]

The two stared at the "Guest" and felt sad as he was the only one or should I say the last.

Queen Elizabeth: We cant just call him "Guest"...

DigBick708: [Then why don't you give him a pet name?]

Queen Elizabeth: He isn't my pet though

DigBick708: [A nickname is what I meant]

Queen Elizabeth: I don't know what name to give him...

DigBick708: [Okay... since his tag is 715124... Lets name him Gold]

Queen Elizabeth: Okay then.

Queen Elizabeth then walked towards the "Guest" and look at him in the eyes.

Queen Elizabeth: From now on you will be Gold alright?

DigBick708: [I forgot mention he is Deaf, he cant see what I'm saying nor hear your words but everything else he can see and hear]

Queen Elizabeth just froze.

Queen Elizabeth: Why didn't you tell me!

DigBick708: You never asked.

Belfast gave Elizabeth a paper and pen while using it a bit. When she finished she gave it to the "Guest", the guest read the letter and tears came down his eyes. In so long he has never seen the words "Thank you" from others, Gold was happy with his new name. But he still needed something to communicate with.

DigBick708 Gave him an iPhone for him to use. DigBick708 just does a thumbs up. Which in turn Gold just hugged them all.

Dont know what to call this  - Azur lane x RobloxWhere stories live. Discover now