Chapter 10

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The sound of an axe splitting the firewood in half resounded at the break of dawn. Lucy was up as usual as she began to split the firewood in two so early in the morning. The cold wind blew gently across the world as Lucy cuts through another wood in half.

Sweat formed like bullets on her forehead as she raised the axe once more. Cutting firewood was much more possible after a month's worth of constant physical labor, her muscles growing stronger as each day passed on. Although it paled in comparison when she was an active soldier on the front lines.

Unlike the nobles who could afford high-quality wool and fireless stones that could keep the room warm, peasants could not afford such luxury as food was their main primary concern. Thankfully, there is an abundant amount of firewood thanks to the nearby forest.

Lucy reckoned she could hunt for an extra coin or two during winter but scrapped the idea midway as Emma and the others protested vehemently. She was confused as to why they would refuse such an obvious option, but their glares were more than enough to keep her mouth shut.

Lucy continues to match the rhythm of breathing with the axe as it falls down in a very specific pattern. Power was slowly coursing through her veins, albeit small as she tried to familiarize and adapt once more to her untapped potential.

Although it is hard to control and monotonous at first, it soon becomes very addictive once one masters it properly. Power enhances the overall activity within the body in its active state. Everything from as simple as breathing the faintest smell to memorizing things at a glance.

Which made it particularly unbearable for Lucy as she lived most of her life with power. Without it, everything felt so sluggish and dull that it made Lucy wonder how she managed to tolerate her first few days without its grace.

It was simply too unbearable. So unbearable, in fact, that Lucy quickly tries to regain her former control with power in small simple things. From carrying buckets of water to cutting through firewood, Lucy made sure to use every bit of opportunity to its fullest. It was small, but Lucy could feel her control and capacity over power growing bit by bit with every passing day.

After cutting the last firewood, Lucy bundled them up together and split them evenly into two groups. One was for their own use during the winter while selling the other. It's not much, but earning an extra coin or so would prove useful should the need ever arise.

A soft rustle perked Lucy's immediate attention as she sharply turned behind her. She soon calmed down, however, when she saw it was only just a rabbit. "...I really need to settle down..." Lucy mumbled to herself as she halfheartedly cursed her old instinct.

It took her another minute or so before finally bundling up the last of the firewood. By the time Lucy was done, Emma and the others were already awake as they prepared for the day. "Good morning sister Lucy." Rose yawned as Lucy entered the backroom of the kitchen.

"...Firewood again? Don't we already have enough?" Rose asked as she eyed the firewood stacking on top of one another.

"...It's better to have more than having less..." Lucy quietly explained as Rose's brow perked up.

"But isn't this too much?" Rose asked as she pointed to the piled-up firewood right beside the already tall pile Lucy had made.

"We could always sell them." Lucy shrugged as Rose perked her brow further. "...Anyway, isn't it about time we prepare breakfast?" Lucy said, eager to escape answering further questions.

"Oh yeah..." Rose mumbled as she quickly began preparing the meal before several others soon joined with her. Five minutes later, the entire kitchen was already busy as different types of meat and vegetables were being prepared.

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