Chapter 29

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            An: Finally some update! The 2nd semester is a real pain in the ass but hey I finally got some steam. Making it extra sad, hopefully it would make you feel soft.


"How is she?" Seth whispered softly as he gently carried a tray with three cups of steaming and freshly brewed tea. It has such a gentle and mellow fragrance that one could not help but smile in its presence.

The door gently closes with the aid of the sisters outside. "She is doing well more or less. Though I had hoped it would have been better." Emma sighed as Rose gently draped a fresh cold towel over her burning forehead while she firmly held her right scarred hand.

It felt so fragile and small all the while rough and coarse over the years of torment. "Sister Emma please, we've talked about this.." Rose sighed. "We didn't even know what triggered her this time, how could we have possibly known?"

Rose said coolly as Emma shook her head. "It is exactly because I can't do anything for her that... ahh never mind." Emma said as Rose chuckled.

"I suppose Emma's are a worried bunch eh?" Rose tried to laugh but it was quickly shot down by sister Emma's stern gaze. "Emm... I would just be quiet now." Rose mumbled as Emma nodded.

The room was lit by a single frail candle. Although the room was significantly larger than Lucy's original abode, the young lass had never switched to a much brighter lantern despite everyone's insistence. Seth had provided more than enough for everyone, yet she still refused.

If it were anyone else, Seth would have laughed at the idea. A noble lady who preferred a candle over a lantern? It would have been a suicide to their social life. For a former noble lady, however, it meant little to Lucy. Ever evident in her lack of interest in even the simplest of jewels.

"Here sisters. Fresh out from the kettle." Seth offered a fresh cup of barley tea to the two.

"Ah, thank you sir Seth." Rose gladly accepted the cup, downing its contents greedily without a care in the world. "Sister Emma?" Seth said, waiting for the older sister to reach out.

Emma turned with a tired smile. "Thank you sir Seth but I am well." Emma lied as Seth frowned slightly.

"I insist. Your eyes already told me what I needed to know." Seth said as he nudged the tea closer.

"But I-"

"Please." Seth persisted.

"... Do children these days grow up so fast?" Seth pretended not to hear anything as Emma finally relented. "All right. Thank you sir Seth." Emma chuckled as she accepted the cup, taking a sip before frowning slightly.

"Is it not to your taste?" Seth worriedly asked as Emma gently shook her head.

"No, it's just... I can't get used to drinking tea. It felt as if I was throwing silvers down the drain. You could buy three, maybe even four kilos of grain with this amount, such a shame." Emma said before taking another sip.

"Ah, I see. You don't need to trouble yourselves, sister. I have enough savings to last me for an entire year. A small serving of tea such as this could not even put a dent in my pocket." Seth confidently proclaimed.

"That is what I am worried about. Children these days don't value the worth of copper as we did back in the day." Emma said as Seth grunted.

"I am 15. I am not a child." Seth stated as Emma chuckled.

"You are still a child relative to me sir Seth." Emma smirked as Seth frowned.

"Then why do you keep calling me sir Seth if I look so young in your eyes?" Seth gruffed as Emma softly replied.

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