Chapter 3: Party-time!

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The rest of the week flew by quickly. Friday arrived and even though George didn't like the way Ellie used him, he still fulfilled his promise to follow her to the game. They both took place at the bleachers. Ellie sat down next to him. He cringed when their thighs pressed together. George dreaded the unavoidable conversation about personal space he needed to have with Ellie, though it would have to wait until after tonight. 

George had never been to a football game before. Sport rarely interested him and as a European, American football made zero sense to him.

Another person sat down beside them. George glance to his left to see who and saw that it was Clay's girlfriend. She and Ellie shortly after fell into a eager discussion about something that George swiftly tuned out.

A bunch of guys entered the field and George's eyes were involuntarily drawn to a tall blonde one. George felt his heart racing when the green-eyed boy turned their way. However, the short moment of butterflies died when George remembered that Clay's girlfriend sat beside them and he was most likely searching for her.

The bleachers soon filled up with people from school and as both teams started to shout, George realized that the game was about to begin. The game was awfully violent. The sound of loud clashes from colliding bodies rang through the stadium. Both Ellie and Clay's girlfriend cheered as if their lives depended on it. George himself barely understood the basic premiss of game and therefore couldn't join their little cheer club– not that he would've wanted to.

Somewhere along the lines had Ellie linked her arm with George's. The only positive realization from Ellie intrusive behavior was that she obviously couldn't tell George's disinterest in her– or any other girl for that matter– and if she didn't connect the dots, then so did probably not the rest either.

A sharp whistle rang through the stadium and everyone in the crowd stood up and cheered happily. They must've won, George concluded. 

Clay's girlfriend ran down the bleachers and practically threw herself at the blonde jock. A sting of jealousy crept through George's body, but he shook it off. Jealousy of a high-school couple was of no use. He would never get to experience that. If he was incapable of making friends, getting the most popular boy, who already had a girlfriend, to fall for him was so unlikely that George nearly laughed at his own stupidity.

A hand grabbed his and began pulling him down to with them. Them of course being Ellie. The reached the lowest level on the bleacher that was just above the bench of the football players.

A few people had gathered around to celebrate the team. George felt so uncomfortable. If given the option to sink through the ground, he would've taken it.

"You guys were amazing, that last shot that went over like the entire field was amazing!" Ellie exclaimed. George had no idea what shot she was talking about. All he could think about was that his social battery was running low, and his bed had never seemed more appealing. 

A boy with black hair and a white bandana tied around his forehead suddenly turned his attention towards George and Ellie. George recalled seeing him in the café the other day.

"You're coming to the party, right?" The jock asked.

"Of course!" Ellie replied enthusiastically. George wanted to slap his face in annoyance, he had completely forgotten that his duties wasn't over yet. The guy gave him a questioning look and George feared for a moment that his face had spoiled his true feelings. So, he just hummed in agreement. 

Ellie put her head on George shoulder while clinging onto his arm. Uncomfortable wasn't even strong enough word to explain how he felt anymore. That's when he decided that he would bring Ellie to the party, but they definitely needed to have a serious conversation the next time they met.

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