Chapter 13: Welcome home

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There was a weird competition between feelings of shame and pure ecstasy happening in Dream's mind.

His heart ached at George's confession. Still, he felt over the moon with enjoyment after being entrusted with such a personal story. He was overjoyed by the knowledge that George wasn't straight and that he was yet to pull his hand away. That meant that there was a slight chance of his feelings ever being reciprocated.

But that was also where the shame stemmed from. Dream almost felt like he should make his true feelings known. Because what if all George wanted was a friend? Dream would gladly be just friends if that what the brunette wanted but would he feel weird if he knew that Dream would've accepted more than just friendship too? And his sexuality had obviously had a detrimental impact on his previous life. Yet here Dream was, selfishly celebrating his newfound knowledge despite knowing how difficult it must be for George considering how badly he'd been treated because of it before.

Suddenly he realized that he was yet to respond. His eyes trailed from their conjoined hands up to George's side profile. The moonlight further enhanced his mesmerizing looks. Dream knew that if George only had more confident, he'd plenty of both girls and guys drooling after him.

Hesitantly, Dream rubbed his thumb in a reassuring gesture over George's hand. "I'm so sorry to hear that. Like you said to me; your sexuality isn't something you choose."

George's posture stiffened before he finally made eye contact. The dark eyes hinted about the conflicted feelings. But when a small, yet truly genuine, smile broke out on the pale face, Dream knew that he'd never before been so utterly captivated by another person.

"Thank you." George mumbled.

"Don't mention it."


The cold temperature eventually won, forcing them to go back inside.

Dream's alarm clock said 3 am but he felt more awake than ever. Despite that, he proceeded to go into the conjoined bathroom to brush his teeth and switch to a t-shirt and sweats. He offered George a toothbrush along with a similar setup of clothes to sleep in that he hesitantly accepted after some back and forth bickering.

Dream sat scrolling his phone as George was done switching clothes. The shirt and pants were adorably oversized. He scooted over to give the brunette some space on his bed. The sleeping arrangements was something that Dream had been contemplating. The bed was king-sized, and he personally would've no issues sharing it. Him and Sapnap had done it multiple times before. He even had a spare blanket in his closet from back when sleepovers were a regular occurrence.

"I got an extra comforter if you're OK sharing the bed." Dream said and quickly added. "Sapnap and I used to do it all the time. But if you're not comfortable, then I got no problem sleeping on the floor either."

George slumped down on the bed and carefully glanced Dream's way. "It's your bed. You've already done more than enough by letting me stay here. I can sleep on the floor so you can have your bed." The brunette said quietly.

At first, Dream's heart sank by the partial rejection. Though he knew George enough by know to understand that he hated the thought of being a bother. So Dream shook his head and made sure to speak his next sentence confidently. "I've no issues sharing my bed, it's plenty of space so we'll easily fit. Although I must warn you that I tend to talk and moved around a bit when I sleep." He said with a smile on his face.

George seemed to relax at Dream's lightheartedness. "Fine, but if you want your bed back, just tell me."

Dream first thought was that if he would've loved to share bed with George forever. But instead he just huffed and grinned wider. "I'll just push you off if you become too annoying."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 09, 2022 ⏰

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