Chapter 4: Consequences

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Sapnap texted him on Sunday, telling him that Clay had survived. The doctors confirmed George suspicions, the drug had contained opiates. Sapnap wrote that the staff had been surprised that he even survived and if it weren't for the naloxone that George had given him, then he would for sure have been dead.

It felt like a weight had been lifted from his chest when Sapnap had texted him. George had assumed that everything would return to its normal state.

But such an assumption couldn't have been further from the truth.

Clay wasn't back in school on Monday morning. But Olivia sure was, and she had created a completely new version of the events that took place at the party, and it was clear who she'd picked as the one to blame for everything.

George arrived to school as usual but this time he wasn't as invisible as before. Everyone appeared to be staring at him, the reason remained unknown until lunch break.

Like always, he retreated to the library, but the normally peaceful atmosphere was shortly after disrupted by three guys from the football team.

George was reading a book when someone grabbed his collar and pulled him out of the armchair.

Before George could react, he found himself pressed up against a wall and a fist soon connected with his jaw.

Stars occupied his vision and the pain that shot through his face made him all dizzy.

"So, you thought you could just show up like nothing happened after nearly killing someone?!" The guy shouted millimeters away from George's face.

This couldn't be happening. Was he being blamed for drugging Clay?

George was about defend himself, but his ability to speak disappeared when the guy harshly drove a knee hit in his solar plexus.

The hold faltered and George fell to the ground, gasping for air. Thankfully they didn't put him through any more physical abuse. Only a handful of hateful comments and insults, but the painful state of George's body caused him tone out most of the the verbal harassment.

When the three guys finally left did George manage to practically crawl to a bathroom.

His hands were trembling as he grabbed the sink to steady himself. His jaw already had a colorful bruise forming.

He tried to collect his thoughts. It was only one person that could be responsible for this: Olivia.

Why did she hate him so fucking much?! It made no sense.

He needed to get to Sapnap, maybe he could shine some light on the bizarre situation.

He texted the jock and got a response to meet him outside.

George pulled his hood up to cover his bruised face as he stappled out of the school.

People were giving him dirty glances everywhere he looked. Suddenly he realized that he had taken his invisibility for granted. Because this felt an awful lot like England on repeat.

The only thing missing was that someone would out him as gay.

He found an empty bench and sat down, completely exhausted – both physically and mentally.

He texted Sapnap where he was, and the dark-haired guy soon became visible.

As he got closer, the jocks eyes widened. "George! Holy fuck! Are you okay?"

"Never been better." George answered sarcastically.

Sapnap sat down beside him and demanded to know what happened, so George explained the recent encounter.

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